Fact Robot

Well, all art is political. Regardless of whether or not it’s intentional.

It’s kind of the anti-LotR in that they were written around the same time and both engage with the idea of a pre-industrial Britain, but Gormenghast resists sentimentalism and embraces the gothic.

Blackadder is actually a weird example. Its reputation for being expensive stems from the first series, which featured a lot of location shooting and single camera work. Cutting the budget to be more in line with other sitcoms was a condition of it getting a second series.

Whether or not it’s how things should go, he’s probably right about Louis CK.

I think that actually the game’s designers weren’t interested that much in talking about the alt-right or the current historical moment. It feels like players are imposing the present (and in particular, the political shock in the wake of the last US election) on a game that’s been in development for years.

I can even give you one whose example she should have followed because they were similar: Gore. Neither had a position in government when they ran and both were perceived as remove, uncharismatic nerds who didn’t actually speak to the issues that people were facing. Gore didn’t return properly to the national and

Everyone writes campaign books. Not everyone turns their campaign book into a year plus egotistical pity party that regularly makes news when they relitigate the election at promo stops. Not everyone goes on the 24 hour news networks to talk about how mean and unfair everyone was to them. Gore for instance didn’t

While that’s true, other failed candidates were also doorstepped and subjected to similar treatment. No one made her ‘write’, heavily promote and publish What Happened that quickly, and no one made her promote it with comments like the ones that keep making the news.

She’d be getting nowhere near the same degree of flack if she’d done what other failed presidential candidates have done over the past couple decades and shut up/gone away for a year or two before resurfacing. There’s a reason she’s getting a lot of flack from even establishment/third way Dems and it’s that her

It’s got to be Esmerelda for one of them. Older versions of the story involve Snow White being revived by means that involve her child being essentially stillborn, so perhaps she’s looped in.

Bee continues to embody the worst elements of the Canadian character: A boring center-right scold with a weird fixation on highlighting the worst consequences of American policy for sanctimonious laughs without actually talking or joking about the underlying ideological constructs that led to this or even necessarily

It’s not like he couldn’t have gotten some

A Democrat whose voting record is the same as a Republican’s is functionally a Republican. It doesn’t matter which color jersey you’re wearing, what matters are actual concrete actions like votes.

“work things out” implies that there’s a possible reconciliation. There isn’t. That way lies Lipinski or Jones.

Republicans in the district support Lipinski, which is why he got such a massive groundswell of support from “nonpartisan” groups in the primary. They know it’s definitely going to be a dem, and that practical, material results trump branding.

Can we maybe not lionize handsy Joe Biden?

I haven’t watched video of it but based on the transcript I’m about 80% sure this is around the time that Trump told Kirk that the Conservative freakout over campus culture is just a right-wing media canard:

Isn’t relitigating the primary important at this point? The Democrats are in the midst of a power-struggle between progressive/left Democrats like Cathy Meyers, Cynthia Nixon, Abdul El-Sayed, etc and Third Wayers/the DINOs they enable, and relitigating the primary seems to be the only way to have the conversation.

It’s especially galling because her joke was funnier than anything that SNL has done in the past ten years. No amount of talent is enough, apparently, if you’re rude while being anything other than a cishet white middle+ class man.

You really don’t get the point then. Let me break it down.