Fact Robot

They were out predicted by a gag character. How they persisted beyond that is beyond belief.

So, anyone who paid attention but not enough attention to know what someone actually believed?

538 should have disappeared the second that Felix Biederman and Virgil Texas turned out to be better at predicting elections.

For Specificity:

I don’t think Ross should be sexy though. I think that really undercuts his character arc, which is that he’s this somewhat racist dork that straight white boys identify with not because of his strengths, but because of his frailties and how they mirror their own.

I think the changes made from Priest’s take on Panther to this one are instructive.

Lloyd’s is the only insurer badass enough that there’s a whole anime about it.

It’s not so funny because the show’s also one of those shows that gets rebranded as a Netflix Original in markets outside of the original airing. It’s branded that way in Canada, for instance, where episodes come out weekly to coincide with the US airing.

Trump got the baseline numbers any Republican would have gotten. His victory has more to do with bloodless, technocratic liberalism and ineffective aversion to the exercise of power embraced by a generation of wonks who were reared on The West Wing (many of whom freely admit that the show shaped their understanding of

I’d refer you to Luke Savage’s June 2017 piece in Current Affairs.

The West Wing is, to a larger extent than you might think, to blame for the current state of American politics. Sorkin did more than Stein to unwittingly ensure the ascendance of Trump.

My problem isn’t with an ally feeling uncomfortable about seeing the word used, but with the fact that they’d butt in with their opinion rather than let us litigate it amongst ourselves. I mean, it’s not a word I throw around lightly unless I know I’m in company with people who were fine with it anyway but why do we

Yeah, you’re right. It’s very important that he shared his very important, unique and special straight feelings in the middle of a conversation about how different queer behaviours are socially policed. He definitely had a lot to add.

Top Chef Scales Telluride, Heavy Metal Suicide

The peperony and chease generation.

Go shit in the ocean.


I like to give white girls the benefit of the doubt when it comes to throwing around the word ‘fag’ because, after all, we share a common enemy and a common love of being catty as fuck. I just wish they weren’t so consistently disappointing.

Yes! Yes! Die on an Ice Floe you rapey fuck!

Yeah, I do. I’m sort of now worried that you don’t.