Fact Robot

But on the other side, how can you know someone that long without knowing what he’s doing, especially as it becomes increasingly an open secret?

It’s really interesting you bring up the #metoo movement considering that that’s the entire reason that Clinton’s history of enabling sexual predators is in the news again. Is there the tiniest possibility that this isn’t coming up because of sexism, but because she has a long history of enabling sexual predators and

See, the accusations come up in media narratives and on social media more than they do in one-on-one conversations on insignificant platforms like Kinja. Especially in one-on-one conversations where one person has a vested interest in proving a rhetorical point by not making those accusations. Soooooooooo....

Emails! was a stupid confusing issue because it confused the actually newsworthy emails (The podesta leaks) with a relatively minor breach of security protocol.

Actually, the Clinton campaign chose to pivot away from policy during the general election. According to Shattered, this was a very deliberate decision made due to the fact that she’d been pressed to commit to policies that she didn’t believe in or have any intention of campaigning on or implementing due to the

In both the 2008 and 2016 primaries, people who didn’t support Clinton were attacked as “Obama Boys” or “Bernie Bros”, and any substantial critique of Clinton on policy or rhetoric was dismissed as sexism. Clinton was made to be a stand-in for all women, a signifier rather than the kind of weird paranoid neocon

The networks are made up of individuals trying to look after themselves. It’s the Iron Law of Institutions. People who have power within an institution care more about their power within that institution than they do about the institution’s power and success externally.

Maybe, just maybe, paying extra attention to policing Bioware for the same reason that Bioware is less autonomous than it used to be, and for the same reason that the Docs (Muzyka in particular) went from future CEO material to leaving the games industry entirely?

Eh- I think it’d be adequately counterbalanced if Will started being into boys (which he was in the preproduction work) in a more overt way.

He low key was tho. The ‘78 tax bill and his deregulation policy paved the way for Reagan. We’re often inclined to let him go because since leaving the office he’s been a decent person and because of his rhetoric, but when you get nitty gritty...

It literally just breaks down to which sensory organ picks up the cues. The nose is generally more sensitive, so artificial flavourings favor that because the chemists who make them know taste is scent, flavour and colour in that order.

Nah, there’s just a lengthy history of blind items on gossip sites and people accusing him on twitter, but I believe victims.

Oh, so now you’re going through my comment history and trying t o imply t hat I’m the tryhard dork with misplaced priorities?

Oh yeah, lol. Him having a job and being good at it is legit the most fantastical thing about that episode.

Oh no. I used a centuries old yiddish phrase to poke fun at your self-proclaimed progressive politics. That means I’m a bad person and that you’re definitely not an anti-semite!

Wait. Wait. Wait wait wait. The liberal feels oppressed? The person whose economic well-being is looked after by essentially all parties in western democracy feels oppressed? The person whose sloppy, vacuous refusal to embrace an actual ideology has been coddled since the first term of Regan feels oppressed?

The deliberate and conspicuous shaming of liberals brought them onboard with feminism, queer rights, trans rights, and basically any other movement that even vaguely troubles capitalism because the liberal mind only conceives of politics as a social pose.

One of the things that really gives me hope about young people is that they acknowledged that this is a thing, came up with a word for it, and then established a discourse about why shaming people for it is wrong.

The Trump voter thing is backed up by statistics. You’re just telling yourself the same mythology every backward ‘moderate’ idiot does in order to not acknowledge how US politics actually works~

Actually young people tend to genuinely be smarter than olds. Google the Flynn effect.