Fact Robot

That’s going to be a long, awkward process. I think some of the victories in Virginia and elsewhere show that it’s possible. But the Lee Carter campaign, and Perez’s reaction to Carter’s victory (IE: Ignoring it completely), indicate that it’s going to be like pulling teeth.

The governor was a big bush supporter who flipped (which is easier in Virginia since it deemphasizes party identity), so that’s the less good but still good news.

I think the writing was on the wall a while back when he openly gave up on actual issues and started trying to do transphobic smears in his mailers. That plus his complete refusal to ever be in the same room as her. That’s FEAR.

Roem and Carter really represent the way forward for the Democratic party both in state races and on the national level.

My bet is that she’s afraid of getting the same kind of backlash that, say, the Dixie Chicks got.

See, my feeling is entirely the opposite for one reason. Well, two reasons: Jonathan King and Jimmy Savile. Everyone knew they were both serial abusers, and a cornerstone of King’s defense in court was that the abuse and grooming of kids was fairly normalized in the entertainment industry at the time. Which was a

Of course he did. Of course he did. He had to be a shithead because not being one, which would have cost him nothing, was.... somehow... um... er...

Look up Lee Atwater’s comments on the southern strategy. They are very instructive about what drives America and what Americans believe.

Dog, you would have a point if American Christians weren’t actively campaigning for the execution of queer folks in African nations.

Shoshana is a creature you’d expect to be disgusting based on the description but the second she turns up it’s just like... she’s so cute.

Yeah... I think you’ve really hit on something there. Despite all of the character rebooting we saw in the pilot, Michael is really the Eleanor of this season, he’s the neophyte trying to figure out all this complicated morality stuff. Subverting that arc is doable, but way too obvious.

It’s great to know that the justice department will stop at nothing to punish a woman and her supporters for having any real degree of control over her health.

I really don’t get the need for pieces like this. I mean if we assume the best and yield to Taibbi and Ames on this, what do we have?

For full reference, she passed the death penalty question to Podesta and Clinton via Jennifer Palmieri, the campaign’s communications director. In march of last year.

The death penalty. I’m talking about the death penalty. The death penalty was explicitly mentioned in the hacked emails. It’s a very clear weakness for her because she’s pro-death and most democratic primary voters aren’t.

Even if I concede that they weren’t rigged, which I don’t. Especially after some of those caucuses, how exactly are you going to prove that they were were representative of the electorate? Particularly considering the depressed turnout amongst standard democratic demographics.

I really don’t understand why we have to keep explaining elementary school civics to you people. But here’s a fun fact to magnet to your fridge:

Liberals aren’t the left. That’s part of why we’re in this mess.

Remember when they decided not to extend similar protections to the parents and family members of DACA participants?

Wait. You’re telling me that the LAPD conspires to cover up rapes committed by famous people? What next, grass being green!?