Fact Robot

Uh, did you watch the actual clip? Because that’s not what he says at all. Yes the sentences are up against each other, but he’s not contrasting ‘ordinary Americans’ with queer people, women and POC, he’s contrasting ‘ordinary Americans’ with the demented obsession with Russian interference in the election. Which

Michigan flipped because the state’s predominantly democratic voters more than doubled their rate of voting only downballot. The Dems ran on a third term of Obama-style neoliberalism and they couldn’t even win Michigan.

Ahaha hahaha hahaha fuck this guy

Actually the question I’m thinking of in particular was the one about the death penalty. It did kind of come out of nowhere because it’s not really a hot topic, and it might have made a difference because Clinton was a pro-Death candidate running in a largely anti-Death party’s primary campaign.

Well, Bernie didn’t stump for the crime bill, didn’t actively dismiss BLM, didn’t stump for ‘welfare reform’, and didn’t have slaves. And contrary to the standard democratic playbook, black people are actually very concerned about economic issues because poverty is racialized.


She was complicit in the actual rigging (IE clearing the field, and later, passing primary debate questions on issues Clinton was weak on to the Clinton campaign) so her return to DNC leadership in general and the Rules & Bylaws committee is suspect.

Congratulations on losing Michigan and Wisconsin through sheer force of personality alone. Black voters were so uncomfortable with Clinton that the number of voters who only voted downballot more than doubled in Michigan and a state taken as a given flipped.

Why hasn’t this gotten more press? Actively trying to legitimize the gross monster fascist is as bad as voting for him.

And yet ~Bernie would have won in the general because the primary isn’t representative of the electorate as a whole~

This. I thought Obama’s reliance on OFA as a substitute for the DNC was a result of the fundraising issues, not a cause. Both he and Clinton wanted new leadership there years ago but Schultz refused to step aside until later. I think she wanted to transition directly from the DNC to a position in the white house.

Wasn’t she complicit though? I mean, she was the one who leaked primary debate questions that she knew Clinton would be weak on.

Gonna be honest: I was super skeptical until I realized it was Mindy Kaling running the show. This could be pretty great.

Uh, no, I am a socialist, not an alt-righter, and you’d better believe that liberals have done a lot to normalize the alt-right. Whether it’s fawning profiles of the Spencer or Bannon before the election, condemnations of antifa, condemnations of no-platforming, a false equivalence with a non-existent ‘alt-left’...

Apologists for what? I’m a socialist who is disgusted by liberal tolerance for (and in some cases, defense and signal-boosting of) white nationalism.

Cuz he’s so ineffective and incompetent that he actively stalls the establishment republican policies he’s supposed to implement. That’s a way better band-aid until he loses a general election

Cuz he’s so ineffective and incompetent that he actively stalls the establishment republican policies he’s supposed to implement. That’s a way better band-aid until he loses a general election

Then we get Ryan. Also massively evil and way more competent at working within the republican machine. less bad for LGBT+ than Pence, but still bad because of his budgetary obsessions and worse than an impotent weirdo who can’t get policy through.

I’m in the grays and you’re this fixated on trying to own me. Maybe take a long hard look at how mad, red and nude you get online

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: discussing Clinton’s campaign isn’t actually out of nowhere. Whether we like it or not (and I assume we’re all on the same page of not liking it), Company A and Company B are probably the Podesta Group and Mercury.