
@glenwilbor: That is a good question, and I'd see it this way. Over the air TV service is a choice. You chose to have it, (both of them).

@Qwerty808: What Johnny said, and the second one used an engine called Darkside, I think. Also, the second game was just amazing, a ton of fun, and one of the most tight knit on line gaming communities I ever played with. I don't do the game thing anymore, haven't for years, but I still regularly communicate with

Good god I loved playing HG2 the video game. It got no support from the developer so a few players bought rights to the game engine and tried to make HG Forever. I believe it tanked.

Those guys at Fermilab are determined to make the LHC look bad.

@Aklost: I think I asked about not muddying the waters with this kind of thing. I have addressed that's it's actually intellectual property & copyright is violated endlessly on this subject here. But yeah, in another thread.

@jacobestes: Used CD sales has been a past legal battleground. But I can't say. But if you acquire a for sale product by illegal means, that is hurting someones profit somewhere.

@Tensor: I have heard that this is one of the hidden pay offs. Worth considering to be fair.

In reviewing some of the replies I'm amazed at how often people think that just because someone is rich, or a Corp is profitable, that they deserve to be ripped off, won't miss the payment for the music they took for free (over paying for it) and that since they don't "like" the Corporate scumbag or the rich artist

@bender123: Just out of curiosity, what is a good example of a distro model that can work around the moral ambiguity of today's youth who fully condone illegally downloading free copies of items that should be paid for?

It's really amazing how actively forward thinking the people at USS were at one time. This and the many USS books by Syd Mead show a real appreciation for thinking about a brightly envisioned future. Too bad so many are hung up on a dystopic future now.

@taniquetil: Create something worthwhile, put all of your efforts into it and plan to make a life and your then much deserved fortune from it. Many folks do just this.

@taniquetil: Also, a program or song or anything you can download is "property" it's intellectual property & copyrighted material. The claim to no loss of property is perhaps the funniest and weakest thing I've heard said by anyone on this issue, ever.

@d1zzle: Make way for Captain Ad Hominem, when in doubt just attack the messenger. It's an old and tired saw you putting out there in all of those silly comments. If you consider theft in the marketplace reasonable're a what?

@taniquetil: It is funny watching you attack a distribution system as the rationale for approving your own criminal behavior. The antiquated nature of the system does not pardon the crime of stealing the music. Unless you pay for it, or any item that is for sale, you are stealing it.

@taniquetil: Clearly hit a nerve with you it seems, you've gone all epileptic spam bot on this otherwise constructive discussion. I guess you're one of those people stealing music from artists but telling yourself it's not a crime. (aka - criminal.)

@taniquetil: It would seem you have a cognitive issue with coming to terms with the fact that illegal downloading of music or software, etc, is a crime recognized by our Judicial system. If you're going to SPAM me I'll take that up with the admin.

@Morgan King: Graffiti, Flickr, and web posts are placed up by the artist for others to see. Being seen is part of being an artist. Losing money to criminals is not.