
@phonos: Crime is crime plain and simple. You've just decided that since the RIAA are in fact jerks it's also ok to steal from them, or anyone, on the internet. It's not. For the record, I don't make music. (slight pun.)

@Oceaniax: That's fair enough, as long as it's a fine they feel and they have a criminal record afterward I agree with you.

@Matt Keller: Do you know why nonprofits don't sue more often for graft and embezzlement? They can't afford to. It's not a high horse to call a thief a thief. I don't care if she pays ten bucks a song, but if the fine is painful less people will follow suit and that's the goal.

@dallapozza: How nice for you to put the onus, and the blame, on the people creating the materials and not the criminals who've determined it's ok to steal them. Your argument on it's face is a logical fallacy.

@Cairnage: Good for you, you're also depriving artists and creatives of of their earnings and livelihood. So we're ok with you rotting in jail with six figure fines. Seem fair that your moral ambiguity might be your eventual downfall. Hope so anyway.

@SkipErnst: I get ya, and I don't agree, but and it's a big butt, is that most copyrighted materials worth stealing also usually generate six figure or better incomes for their holders. So, a message must be sent, don't do it.

@taniquetil: You're insulted by the reality & the truth? Grow up.

@RigAudio: Has it been your lifes goal to live off the the backs of others while you steal their work? Good for you, keep fighting that good fight for rationalized theft.

Those of us who produce copyrighted materials for a living shed a tear now.

@rte148: No one steals from ADF, hack.

First of all Fillion tweets endlessly, he needs a life. Second, they are looking at Morena Baccarin's bewbs, possibly her ass too. Both stunning, IMO.

Not my arm, my arm is made of adamantium!

@OgilvyTheAstronomer: Without belaboring your point, which is incredibly general, Cameron is guilty via admission of ripping off Ellison's work for Terminator. Avatar is an exact remake to the letter of Call Me Joe. The modern trend of shitting on copyright and intellectual property doesn't fly with me. I generate

AVATAR IS BASED ON "CALL ME JOE!" for the tenth time. And Cameron stole it, flat out. Just like he did to Ellison for his stories. Too bad he's not getting sued over it this time. Must have kept his mouth shut on the set for this one.

@Razoky: It wasn't until this moment that I realized 4chan is a real threat to national security.

@TemporalSword: Or worse, they'll see the profit$$ in Pron and start sending their exo-skeletal tentacle porn here, for a charge. Only the Japanese will be happy.

I say beam the entire contents of the internet at them. THE ENTIRE CONTENTS I SAY! See how they like that. Seth, set it up and make it so.

Now if it only did a relevant martial art that worked.