Totally NOT Gay

This article is FAR from spot-on.

I'm not participating too hard in this conversation, but I just wanted to jump in to say I completely get what you're saying and I think it's an ongoing problem with this site. People here often seem to conflate "women" with "heterosexual, (mostly) white Western women" and ignore intersectionality completely,

I don't know about you being a sexist dude, a queer woman, or whatever. At the end of the day, this is the Internet where you can adopt any persona you choose (I mean, how are we to know?). But Ill tell you what you definitely are: a piss poor debater. Go fuck yourself? Really? Talk about loss of credibility (not that

The article, however, is focusing on gay male privilege and how they benefit from it in society. Women are still in the exact same spot on society's ladder with or without gay men. Even if women use gay men as props, gay men can still get the privileges of being male that women do not. (btw I can't see the other

I forgot to add that it burns my ass when straight women say that not allowing them to throw their bachelorette parties at gay bars is like when black people weren't allowed to eat at white restaurants or lunch counters.

Thank you for pretty much every comment you've made on this article. It makes this whole mess slightly less depressing.

OMFG BRAVO!!!! This is EXACTLY what I wanted to say about this article and the subsequent comments on here, but couldn't form a coherent thought through my rage. Thank you!!!

THANK YOU so very much for taking the time to go into detail about the offensive stupidity going on here. This article is one-sided inflammatory nonsense. Not that the topic of the misogyny of some gay men is nonsense, but this actual article is chock full of huge generalisations, unproven assertions, leaps of logic

Yes! I'm a lesbian and even though I'm not welcome in many lesbian bars, if I were, I'd be SO PISSED if a group of gay guys came and held their bachelor parties at one. I still don't understand how straight women don't get that!! It is so damned disrespectful and I don't understand how they don't get it.

When the hell did I say that? Obviously straight women can be and are targets of misogyny, by men of any sexual orientation.

I will say this once more: Straight women. Straight women. Sounds crazy, right? But at some point you will need to stop dropping that identifier from your responses because I am addressing and talking about straight women, not women in general. Straight women's heterosexism, straight women's dynamic with gay men, s

No, let's talk about straight women and their heterosexual privilege and how it factors into the dynamic with gay men. Interesting how you erase the most significant identifier in my original comment to thoroughly transform my statement into one you can easily skewer as being sexist. Also interesting how many

Nor does bad behavior from some gay men justify wonton homophobia towards them or other gay men.

YES. Thank you for this. As a queer woman, you've put your finger on why I felt a little uncomfortable with this piece. Especially because whatever crap experiences I've had with gay men (and I've had some, sure, and I've had some WONDERFUL experiences with gay men) I usually found to be a result of straight-up

A lesbian being called a dude (repeatedly—after being corrected) on a feminist website. Not what I'd expect here, but not surprised seeing some of these other comments. Excellent points made in this thread, indeed. Have a great evening, CylonLover.

Yeah, I have to take a step back because getting called a dude repeatedly actually legit hurts my feelings. Ugh, high school all over again. Suffice to say, I'm done for the night. Alot of you raised some great points, and I hope everyone has a great evening.

I sound like a sexist dude because I'm standing up with gay men against straight women's heterosexism? Wow, rarely have I, a queer woman, been told I sound like a "sexist dude" because I'm standing with gay men against straight women. If I'm trolling then I'm trolling, but you can go fuck yourself.

As a gay man, I've routinely spoken out about sexism within our community. Some of what Rohin writes is spot on; diva worship, unsolicited groping, and the "fear" (read: hatred) of vaginas are all problematic and should rightly be critiqued. However, I can't help but to feel, as another commenter put it, there's a lot

I think many gay men feel the same way about feminists and hard lefties who tend to constantly police other people's expressions for motifs of social oppression and who shame other people for expressing language or beliefs they disagree with. Gay culture was born out of a self-loathing, secretive, and isolated

It's a dirty secret of a subculture of the gay male world about women: That they're essentially unwelcome