
@jetRink: Liar! That is the bottom of your lawnmower.

SANTA!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!! SANTA'S COMING!!!!!!! I KNOW HIM!!!!!!! I KNOW HIM!!!!!!

Fond memories....

@Yeah!: I'm with you. HTC is starting to bore the hell out of me. I loved what they did with the Legend, but then they didn't port it Stateside.

@eyjafjallajökull: master of chaos: I rooted my first Vibrant to get rid of all the crapware, then the Tmob OTA update came out to supposedly "fix" things. It bricked my rooted phone, so I've been hesitant to root again. My new Vibrant got the OTA, but the GPS still sucks. Overall, I like the phone, but wish I had

Did you work with Bethesda on Fallout?

On one hand, I'm upset about all this Gingerbread talk while I'm still using Eclair. The fragmentation and laggy OEM Rom updates are really starting to get to me. On the other hand, neither windows nor OSX offers free upgrades, so I can't complain too much about the delay in free Android upgrades. It's like getting

If this is anything like the Vibrant/GalaxyS, the combination of slippery plastic, thin body, and right-side power/wake button = multiple instances of the phone shooting out of my hand like a bar of soap in the shower. Also, has anyone tried to use VNC viewer without a trackball, optical or otherwise? It just

Errr.....umm....1 million procession hours in 1 year? Anyone care to clarify that for me? Are they counting per core? Either the computer is so hardcore that it reinvented time, or that statement is a little misleading.

It would be great if it actually erased the history of the browser. I'ved ued this in the past with my Galaxy S. After pressing the "erase" button, I can go back to the browser and simply press the "back" button to view the last page. The only way to successfully clear the browsing history is to manually clear the only if what I blew up would stay perminantly erased.

Looks like a millions mean, $3. This isn't that elegant, or even clever. I could replicate this result with a coat hanger, a 3 penny nail, and a beer (beer for drinking while bending coat hanger).

Why is it that something as seemingly game changing as talking to your phone to tell it to do stuff only gets a 4 sentence write up, while the white iphone gets a half dozen separate posts. You guys are such apple fanboys. Lets see you try speaking random commands into your iphones.

It took 90 days to figure out that Pi is exactly three?

@quicksilver8478: Would I blow your mind if I told you that every pixel in a Blu-ray copy of the Matrix is actually an individual scene out of the movie Johnny Mnemonic when viewed under an electron microscope?

@zeroprime: Two wheels? You're 2000+late. This is the future ( a Homer Simpson future).

I can't even begin to image dealing with flat spots with this many wheels. I also think the edge wheels would wear down faster.