@talkingstove: Actually, this is a very likely business move for Jobs. They already have a GSM phone. They just need to make small changes to use Tmob's 1700/2100 frequency 3-3/5G. It is a lost easier than redeveloping half the phone's innards and firmware to work with CDMA.
@Mike Zuniga is a Photographer Apparently: All US Iphones are GSM. Sprint & Verizon = CDMA. Sim card phones are GSM (AT&T / Tmobile).
@tensai: On the contrary, my Tmobile service always beats my friend's AT&T service in both speed and reliability. Living in a major City probably helps, but I assume 90% of his phone issues are directly due to Iphone congestion. I am actually said to hear this news, as Tmob is going to fall to shite if they get…
First off....has anyone tried to play Galaga on 1080p? It just wasn't made for HD, unless they scaled the crap out of it.
@iJoe: Weird they missed that, considering the subject matter...
@Waffles And Syrup: A true geek does not care about form and function? So, a true geek could still like a product if it looks like ass AND doesn't perform well, just becuase it does something different? Just because something is different doesn't make it a good idea in the first place. Flowbee anyone?
@TheAlmeida: No.....a true troll would either tell you to drop your account (unprovoked no less), or would call you a douchebag. A sharp tongued rebuttal, in defence, is hardly trolling.
@mconheady: You are missing the point. Maybe you can upload the pic immediately to Picasa or Flickr from an iphone, but that doesn't dismiss the fact that putting a SLR lens infront of a subpar image sensor and lens will yield results equal to or worse than the initial lens itself. You can't add quality by adding a…
@sammy baby: If it were made out of legos, then your geek refernce would make sense, but as-is, this is does nothing for my geek lust because it violates good design rules in both form and function.
The whole point of a camera built into a phone is reducing the amount of items you need to carry, which in turn reduces the overall weight of what you are carrying. It is a convenience thing, so expectations of cameras on phones have been relatively lax. Maybe newer camera phones are 5mp-12mp, but still, they are…
You guys always have the best storeys.
@Gonzie: 'All....my....friends....drive a low rider'