
I would like to humbly suggest that “pushing one’s kids to excel” and “deciding before they are born that they must fulfill your own thwarted ambitions and micromanaging their lives toward that goal from birth onward” are not the same thing but are in fact quite different things.

It certainly does. And just when you were starting to get some un-greyed time, too. If you work a bit more on your mid-range sarcasm, we’ll see about bringing you back in a few seasons.

Reminds of that time I was trying to take a routine shit in the toilet and I misjudged it and shit directly into my own mouth.


Looks like LeBron vs Jordan just won’t end.

The NY Knicks have reportedly offered Juventus 130 Million Euros for the rights to Paul Pogba.

>as if there was some kind of serious moral principle at stake

Indeed. These debates really bring out people’s pro-management bias. Underneath it all, athletes are labor, but labor sufficiently privileged to occasionally choose the location of their work. Why shouldn’t Durant do what he wants? What the fuck does he owe the Thunder?

SAS has been less about content in the past seven-eight years and more about being the Loud and Paternalistic Black Guy™ whose pandering on emotions and “values” just get eaten up by white audiences.

This is the dumbest fucking argument I’ve ever heard. So pro athletes are bad guys when they go for the biggest bucks. But they’re bad guys when they go for less bucks to go to a team that is most likely to get them a ring. I guess the only right move KD could have made would be to take less bucks to go to the Knicks.

Right, There’s an interesting point here about language that excludes people without a higher education, which I think is actually a very valid critique of some of the liberal buzzwords that get thrown around these days (“privilege” is, ironically, a term mostly used by the privileged to signal how intellectually

Given that the point of sports analytics is merely to use objective data to put out the most effective winning team, without regard to anything else that’s subjective or personal in nature, I would actually argue that analytics have done more to combat racism in sports than anything else. The privileging of data and