
NEVER MAKE A WEAPON YOU DONT WANT THE OTHER SIDE TO HAVE. Why is this so alien. Neither side should want to destroy the legislative filibuster as they use it when they’re out of power and guess what everyone loses eventually. Just like nobody should want a President able to enact policy by “emergency” fiat as again

I am so for progressive agendas, and actually passing them and getting meaningful change.

I kinda related to this. A lot of men seem like they’d prefer a girlfriend pillow to an actual woman they have to interact /communicate / work for success with. I interpreted her “I’m shockingly available” as saying she’s not as inaccessible due to her beauty/finances/career as men might think. Was that what you meant

I see nothing wrong with what she said! 

Cynically, I think the reason that the suspect’s name keeps showing up in the headlines (not just here - NYT did it, NBC News did it ) as opposed to, I dunno, “Suspect Arrested in the Murder of Nipsey Hussle” is to maximize clicks. A case of Search Engine Optimization gone awry.

Dude’s name is Eric Holder? Seriously?

Criminal convictions require proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Civil cases require only a "more probable than not" standard. So it's entirely possible the DA thought he couldn't get a conviction on the evidence, but that they can prove the complaint was false in a civil court and get a civil judgement against him for

Unfortunately, that money comes out of the pockets of the taxpayers.

If you knowingly submitted a false police report?  Absolutely.  He wasted taxpayer money on a complete fabrication.

Aaron Carter is still deeply protective of Perlman. By the time his career was being launched his own family had pretty much come apart and Perlman positioned himself as Aaron’s surrogate father. 

I'd have fond memories of the thing that gave me financial independence for life - no matter how much I might've hated it.

Wamapoke Elder Ken Hotate!

This is ManPretendingToBe Perd Hapley, and the story of this post is, that Leslie Knope has the best first answer, because she chose Perd Hapley first, and Perd Hapley, which is the person I am pretending to be, is the best, which she acknowledged by choosing him first. This is ManPretendingToBe Perd Hapley, pressing

Bend the knee to Gwendolyn of House Christie, First of her Name, Slayer of Red Carpets, and Queen of the Best Dressed.

I am absolutely baffled by the Beetlejuice fact, I had never heard that before. 

I would trust Eugene Levy and Steve Martin WITH MY LIFE. John Mulaney seems nice.

No harm ever came from reading a book...

I was *so* glad they called her out for what she was saying about her model on the runway. She had absolutely no respect for her model and the way she spoke to/about her made me want to throw things.

Taken no steps to remedy” is just factually incorrect though. She’s very honest about past ignorance and educating herself.

No, I’m not okay with this exploitation. A woman, her unborn child, and her friends were graphically murdered in her home because the person who had previously occupied that house had hurt a megalomaniac’s feelings. He wanted everyone in the house destroyed “as gruesome” as possibleknowing full well that the