
I PRAY for the k8nd, sweet death pets have had: at-home euthanasia in the quiet of their own home, dozing in their fave spot, surrounded by people who love them after being spoiled rotten in their last weeks. Yes, please, find me a future caretaker who gives me that death. I cannot think of a better way to go.

I’m in the middle of a rewatch now - I used to have such a crush on Seth Cohen as a 15yo. But as a full-grown adult, I’d like to slap him upside the head. What a self-absorbed brat!

We’ve always buried our dogs and placed a tree above them.

Somewhat morbid video placement....

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, who can say, really, both sides have very good points”

How do you make through fucking HIGH SCHOOL without having read it??

Fact: Soda takes years off your life.

The recipe’s final suggestion, though optional, asked for us suck it up and wait even longer. “This dish is much better the second day... Refrigerate overnight. When time, heat and serve.” The popular idea that stews taste better the next day has skeptics in high places, but I’m of the mind that perception is

On your last point: did not know until seeing your post about the discipline so went and looked him up. That one year suspension was one of three different disciplinary actions taken against Biss during his career! And the guy uses an email account! There is nothing about this guy that inspires

I, for one, am glad for this lawsuit and look forward to quoting Nunes v. Twitter, Inc., in which the court expressly held, in relevant part, as follows:

As a student of history, I cannot wait to see what the textbooks 50 years from now have to say about this era. I figure it’ll be just a full chapter of a long, exasperated sigh punctuated with “fuck it”

So, a Trump loving guy just happens to kill a mafia crime boss while Trump has allegedly been nefariously involved with the mafia doing shady deals with them for decades all while the Mueller investigation is digging into Trump Organization business dealings.

Beta O’Dork

I personally love when people use the term ‘Beta Male’ or ‘Alpha Male’. It lets you know immediately that they are a complete moron. 

So excited to see Satan this season!

I also love the shows with the weird sisters, specifically because they tend to be darker. I described the show to a friend as Harry Potter but with 1000% more devil worshiping. I’m not a big fan of the episodes with some creature that exists as a stand alone adversary separate from the overall plot, like the sleep

I was actually pleasantly surprised by how dark part one was (the thing with Harvey’s brother, wow). The acting wasn’t always top notch, but the set design was gorgeous and the aunts were my absolute favorite.

She has far more grace than I could ever imagine having in her situation. I imagine the bullshit will more or less persist until her eventual obituary, which of course will reference Clinton.

I don’t want you to get sticked or nothing.