
Sidenote: this gif also applies to anyone still convinced she’s just ‘trapped’ and needs to be ‘freed.’

There are ways to get these people the proper IDs they need. It is a bit complicated but should work.

This story spooked the monogrammed slippers of the family I no longer belong to right off my feet!

Bobby left but also got married this past weekend! I did a lot of IG creeping and it was very cute! 

Yes, I just went & looked it up and

jasmine, you’re doing amazing sweetie!

Bobby left and his Goodbye post looked like it was another post about Bradley Cooper’s A Star Is Born press tour, so I think a lot of us skipped it. It had barely any comments :(

Like, I know that the Met Gala is going for *Camp* but i REALLY, deeply, truly hope someone shows up in a full length ball gown version of a Girl Scouts uniform

I’d sure as hell remember Liam riding me around and it would be among my most cherished recollections.

“When we worked together before I took special care of him.” I love that he says they worked together, like he’s just referring to another actor. Liam Neeson seems like he has such a kind heart.

Horses are super smart. Or at least very selectively social (which indicates a certain level of intelligent discernment, to me.)

I want to join Maisie and Sophie’s squad. That is all.

I was just going to say, I super super hope someone decides ‘camp’ means ‘summer camp’. Think of the possibilities.  Campers, counselors, girl scouts. Then someone can take it all the way back around and dress like an 80s slasher horror villain. 

There also has to be tips of the hat to John Waters.  This is screaming a Divine homage to me. 

Expect variations on Little Edie.

Someone's bound to dress as a boy/girl scout, aren't they?

The real question is, will there be s’mores?

No pictures (because royal grifters Fergie and Andrew surely have pre-sold an exclusive for a few million pounds).

Are you a woman? I left an abusive relationship and got shit for not being loyal. I also got shit for not leaving sooner. There is no right way to exist.