omg, YES!!
omg, YES!!
I just want to trade places with him in all the holding puppies pics. I WANT TO CUDDLE ALL THE PUPPIES!
I mean. Holy hell.
Always here for mention of Tom Hardy’s slutty MySpace photos
I’m quite sure you’re familiar with the infamous pic of him bent over the bed? I mean... yes.
His teeth are part of his charm!
Dogs immediately take to Tom Hardy and I think dogs have good instincts on who is boyfriend material, so I am firmly Team Boyfriend.
Omg, this could be amazing. Set it at Camp Athena, which has languished since Leslie left the Parks Department. Give Knope a cameo or two. Season One is all origin story an hijinks around getting the camp officially up and running. Season One finale: Leslie Knope, the first woman President of the United States, and…
It does look very Ed Hardy, but at least he’s giving a shoutout to Peaky Blinders?
FUCK. YES. If Tom Hardy knocked on my door I would throw my husband’s things out on the lawn.
Tom Hardy is def a boyfriend. Also this video almost caused my uterus to expel my IUD via sheer will:
Why? They did that already....
jfc and she/their abusive relationship was the punchline to so many jokes. imagine going through all that trauma and people on tv constantly making jokes about it. ffs.