
omg, YES!!

Maybe the heroines include the now young adult Zoe & Ivy Lewis-Swanson as camp counselors!

I just want to trade places with him in all the holding puppies pics. I WANT TO CUDDLE ALL THE PUPPIES!

I mean. Holy hell.

Oh yes! Those MySpace pics are a gift and he says he’s not ashamed, which makes him even hotter.

Always here for mention of Tom Hardy’s slutty MySpace photos

I’m quite sure you’re familiar with the infamous pic of him bent over the bed? I mean... yes.

It’s been a long couple weeks, I think we all deserve this. (Sure, it also helps that he’s wildly talented, but today it’s all about the pretty.)

We all do.

His teeth are part of his charm! 

Dogs immediately take to Tom Hardy and I think dogs have good instincts on who is boyfriend material, so I am firmly Team Boyfriend.

Omg, this could be amazing. Set it at Camp Athena, which has languished since Leslie left the Parks Department. Give Knope a cameo or two. Season One is all origin story an hijinks around getting the camp officially up and running. Season One finale: Leslie Knope, the first woman President of the United States, and

Riz Ahmed sometimes reminds me of a velvety puppy:

You mean Pawnee Goddesses?

What’s to debate? That accent, those lips, dat ass!

It does look very Ed Hardy, but at least he’s giving a shoutout to Peaky Blinders?

FUCK. YES. If Tom Hardy knocked on my door I would throw my husband’s things out on the lawn.

Now playing

Tom Hardy is def a boyfriend. Also this video almost caused my uterus to expel my IUD via sheer will:

jfc and she/their abusive relationship was the punchline to so many jokes. imagine going through all that trauma and people on tv constantly making jokes about it. ffs.