See also: Kelsey Grammar. So, so, so, so gross. Even ruined fucking Frasier by revealing (at least to me) what a festering scab of a person he’s chosen to be.
See also: Kelsey Grammar. So, so, so, so gross. Even ruined fucking Frasier by revealing (at least to me) what a festering scab of a person he’s chosen to be.
Hmm....but there are so many truly awful ones to choose from. Hard to say definitively.
The Pony Play episode of Real Sex was forever burned into my young mind. It must have been twenty years ago now but I’ll still occasionally think about how some people like to dress up like horses and ride each other around a corral and get the giggles.
Yup. I am tangentially in the loop on a Title IX complaint, and the bulk of the offenses (which were EGREGIOUS) occurred either at local bars, faculty homes, or academic conferences. And my guess would be that that is the norm.
I have an indoors only cat now. (After years and years of indoor/outdoor cats on a farm.) Does it suck having to be careful the cat never gets out? Yep! But so does cleaning up vomit or emptying the litter box. Some of the responsibilities of keeping a pet stink. Literally and metaphorically. But that’s just part…
The fact that Title IX now only covers conduct that happens on campus is a disaster.
I feel somewhat similar to how I feel about nutria; cats are definitely actively damaging local species and are an invasive species.
I wonder if they thought it was easier to ban all cats than to try a “All cats stay indoors and should be fixed except for maybe a small amount of breeding stock”
Emma let you finish with your jokes, but everyone knows that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a first edition, so no Price is too high.
Mansfield Park does a much better job of (more loudly) ironizing how social class and economics play into marital decisions, and how much upperclass dudes are witless twits when it comes to romance while women have few options (but high stakes) in love. I think Pride and Prejudice wants to do this—the irony is there,…
I would rather eat delicious fancy-ass cheese now than see my 90th birthday. Idgaf.
Cheese is lyfe.
I feel like Ron Swanson kinda had the lock on it, and was more zen about this than he would appreciate being told - “I will eat what I eat, I will live how I live, and I will die when I die.” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Whatever your Persuasion is on the price, just have Pride in your opinion and try not to bring Prejudice into your estimation.
yeah Birds of America was not a good example! I guess a better one would be Joyce’s Dubliner’s, which is for sale for half a million. Whether it goes for that or not, who knows?
My Sense is it’s too low, but my Sensibility tells me to pay more.
It sounds low—and a cursory look online shows it goes for more online at antiquarian bookshops for what that’s worth—but a) I don’t know what the original print run of Pride and Prejudice was and b) from the photo on the Post article, this edition is in bad shape. If I were the sort to want first editions, I wouldn’t…
This is an absurdly low price and it shows how much we devalue women’s authors. FACT: Jane Austen was the first canonical female author. OPINION: I would argue that she was the first to master the unwieldy art of novel-writing, though some of her predecessors gave it a good shot. Her books identified and codified (and…
I think we can all agree that spending that much on any edition of a book would be considered Austentatious.