
In order to make myself feel better about my body, I just repeatedly tell myself that my body would have been the archetype of feminine beauty during the Renaissance.

Aziz Ansari doesn’t deserve the level of vitriol directed at Louis CK et al. CK masturbated to his subordinates then blackballed them with his influence. Aziz Ansari thought he was getting a groupie one night stand, she thought it was a date. Neither of them clarified their expectations for the night. He was an

This seems like an unneccessary article

Was Ansari ever really shunned though? As far as I know, his show wasn’t cancelled and there seemed to be a general consensus that the Babe article was shitty journalism and that what was described in it hardly rose to the level of #metoo worthy outrage, and that we needed to have a conversation about how he acted

Darryl Hannah and Neil Young aside, I am not looking forward to all of 2020’s “we got married after ten minutes and now we can’t stand each other” divorce drama. But Ariana Grande turned surviving the Manchester bombing into an interesting album, so maybe with a divorce under her belt she will become the first Disney

I’m going to violently celebrate if we win the midterms, which is to say, I’ll have two scotches. Truly, us progressives are history’s greatest monsters.

Hannah Gadsby comes to the rescue in the old “Separate the art from the artist” argument:

Now playing

I found this TV series a couple of years ago with Dame Judi Dench and her husband Sir Michael Williams called A Fine Romance which is an awkward bitter sweet comedy about a sister and a friend of a couple who meet at a party. It’s addictive TV and a classic of it’s period.

The Real Housewives of the Civil Rights Movement skit...

Contingency fee agreements (i.e. agreements where you get paid based on the outcome of the case) have to be in writing in California, and the idea is to protect the client, because of the ‘imbalance of legal sophistication’ between the lawyer and client.

a lawyer should probably enter into contracts that are actually permitted by state law, regardless of whether non-lawyers think the law is foolish. but shit what do i know i’m only an actual admitted attorney

Right fucking now.  Immediately.   This cannot wait.  

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Had this one on my google play wishlist at least a month or so now... The other trailer is just as dreamy.

I love when old people cuss and get all drunk and just start talking crap, in general. And then it’s these women with their fabulous accents?! And you know they may usually be polite and proper, but they just shed that and start getting real. Love it! This is genius. Cannot wait.

Pinches gringos de hecho, sí.

GIVE IT TO ME NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, an oral contract can be viable, but that doesn’t mean it will always be so. Surely a lawyer can be trusted to know how all of this should work. Also, lawyers should not ever be allowed to be party to oral contracts given that they have the necessary skill to correctly write them.

I’m only paralegality-adjacent, but I think the ‘contingency fee’ thing is the pertinent bit? Contingency fees are paid out over years, and per the statute of frauds any contract that cannot be executed within a year must be in writing.

“Back Here” was a bop.