THANK YOU. This is the only correct take.
THANK YOU. This is the only correct take.
When the judges said Cracker didn’t cut deeply enough as Crumbz I was FLOORED. She went the realest and the darkest, with only Asia saying anything not obvious and surface. Eureka’s sabotage - that she’s fat and loud has literally been the entirety of her plotlines in seasons 9 AND 10! Aquaria could barely articulate…
Fair enough, I think that’s probably true for most people.
OMG YESSSSSSSSS how did I not know this?!?
Well you’re missing two big ones (Romer v. Evans-1996 and Lawrence v. Texas- 2003) that, taken with Windsor and Obergefell, are the cornerstone of gay rights jurisprudence.
Not to mention, apparently artistic expression. It’s like this asshat thinks customized wedding cakes are essentially the Sistine Chapel.
And even in ‘Murica there is no constitutional right to pork products. Shocking, I know.
It wasn’t, but it is dicta from the majority ruling opinion, which means that they have opened the door for additional arguments under this theory.
Not just the impossible 179, but also the fact that she started out at the absurdly low 143! No test prep in the world will give you a jump like that!!
I’m REALLY troubled that the majority seemed to embrace the 1st Amendment argument. How a commercial service can be viewed as art is beyond me. Pitting equal rights against free speech is about to become a troubling and common legal argument.
Except that Kennedy has written many of the opinions that have advanced gay rights over the years. He is not strong on women’s rights and access to birth control and abortion, but he views his role in the strengthening of gay rights VERY seriously. His authorship here may well be in part to signal the narrowness of…
Studying for the LSAT ruined Legally Blonde forever for me. But I’m glad you can still enjoy it! You’ll need lots of mindless entertainment to get through the next three years and the Bar.
Brielle is in the top one, the younger one, Ariana is in the bottom one. Full on Kylie Jenner syndrome.
Which one? The 40-something, the 20-something, or the teen?
And I’ve ALWAYS heard that if you are going in to have your hair styled rather than cut it needs to be dirty to hold the style better.
I haven’t looked into it but some of the outrage over his comments seems to be that Becca has made it pretty well known she holds very different beliefs. It sounds like she would be anti MAGA but is trying to stay blandly inoffensive to everyone (in keeping with Bachelor tradition) and trying to express herself…
Co signed for all of that except I don’t think Renee was a spy! She was there as a stand in for the audience to understand what its like to be unable to trust the people around you. Just my two cents.