
She got it because she threw an epic tantrum and quit in the most dramatic way possible and at the beginning of a new relationship, ensuring fans would continue wanting to watch her (or at least think they did). Her quitting led pretty quickly into her wedding and subsequent 20 pregnancies so she kept having

Watching her meltdown was amazing. So was watching the other women saying out loud and to her damn face they don’t know why Kim gets a show of her own. WHO WATCHES IT?! Hopefully the negative backlash from this will get her ass canned for good.

I know! And I feel really bad for for poor Kameron Michaels rn. Getting to meet Shania was a lifelong dream, he meets her, and then she very publicly comes out in favor of someone who is happy to see your rights taken away.

Younger Reform Jews have been increasingly critical of Israel over the years. There is so much social justice wrapped up in Reform Judaism’s messaging, it was really only a matter of time before people started seeing the double standard. One of the quoted tweets in the article was right: this is definitely emblematic

I visited Istanbul a few years ago and it was absolutely incredible. It was easily one of my favorite international trips. My experience was very lucky though, as I flew out the day of a spat of terror related acts of violence, which included people shooting at the US consulate and there have been many more serious

Manhattan’s Sims statue isn’t the only one drumming up controversy; in August, the mayor of Columbia, South Carolina asked the state to remove the city’s own statue of Sims. The state has not complied.

No need to apologize at all!! PCOS is a serious thing and it’s definitely important to talk about. I just wanted to chime in that even for people who don’t have underlying issues like PCOS birth control can be an incredibly important medicine excluding pregnancy prevention.

I’d also settle for a psychic who tells us that MillerCoors was a Spanish prince in a past life who was kidnapped and lived in a boat.

Virginia’s is the same — it requires specific intent to harass/cause malice etc. Unfortunately this mean people who post these images as “art” or some such nonsense don’t fall under the statute.

Be interviewed, be able to offer people who could corroborate your account, be able to submit evidence you think could help. They don’t need to do these things but in the interest of fairness they should have the opportunity to do so.

Or an unstable but ultimately useful ability to see details and make connections a la Homeland’s infamous string boards.

Or Sonja Morgan who drunkenly insisted they had known each other.

When I went on an IUD I developed terrible acne and started losing my hair. My gynecologist still claims it’s unlikely those were caused by the IUD but my dermatologist says she has seen the same symptoms a lot in patients who recently got one. After I had it removed (which my gynecologist tried to pressure me against

But the joy of fitting on airplanes is nearly negated entirely when it comes time to store a bag in the overhead.

To be fair he himself has talked about it and even named one of his books I’ll Be Short. I’m sure he’s talked about it because he knew other people would but he seems to own it.

Now playing

I’m so sorry, but assless american sounds like such a King of the Hill ism.

In January 2017, hundreds of thousands of British people signed a petition to ban the reality star from making an official visit with the Queen.

It’s so hard though when you enter a traditionally male dominated industry that is really reliant on mentorship and networking. My mentor is a middle aged man who was my supervisor at an internship. He has been a wonderful mentor and has never said or done anything explict but there have been times where I’ve wondered

Even for women who don’t have PCOS, the pill serves a whole host of medical issues ranging from acne, to normal levels of heavy bleeding and cramping that can still be excruciating, and regulating their menstrual cycle. I have had my period for 18 years (damn I feel old right now) and it is only when I’m on birth

Kenya was actually absent for most of the season and was barely involved in any drama. It’s widely discussed she’s at serious risk for losing that peach but she showed up to the reunion ready. to. play.