
You’re right, Karen definitely sunk herself with all the black Bill Gates talk. Robyn doesn’t get knocked for her finances but the ladies do love shading her for living in some small no-name town that is so far away.

Word on the street (is that I’m the word on the street — thank you Karen) is that both it and Real Housewives of Dallas weren’t pitched as RHs. Instead they were all about charity work by rich ladies who lunch, which is why they spend so much time talking about it. It’s also why we have the memorable line from Leann

1. This investigation is not by police but by the theater so there will never be a trial from this investigation. The criminal system may use info from this investigation if they pursue this but they’re still totally different processes.

This is the correct answer.

It definitely feels like there’s a rush to get ahead of the story and a fear of negative coverage.

I didn’t know whether other Jews shared that same custom and didn’t want to speak for all. I love all these customs celebrating matrilineal history!

Didn’t most of them start out in the Franklin Lakes area? I think they went with just NJ because none of the town names are particularly recognizable. There was so much confusion when Potomac was announced. Plus they leaned heavily on the implied mob connections angle early on and maybe they were worried towns would

I know! And the way she fawned all over it on the show, saying that they had to act immediately because it would be picked up by someone else any minute. Girl, Bravo literally has a show about how no one wants to live in the Valley and listings there have to be much lower than they would be in other parts of LA.

It was definitely better than the first season but I still thought it was boring (obviously, haha).

I wish I could say, but I am unlearned in the ways of the wig. I’m gonna go with the sheer force of her delusions overcoming the power of gravity.

Yeah you’re definitely right, I just don’t know where they are of the top of my head like I do for RHOBH. I know that’s also true for a bunch of the Southern Charm people who live in nearby beach towns and the suburbs of Charleston.

Plus, Karen has spent the last two years telling anyone who will listen that Potomac is the be all, end all of wealthy DC suburbs, conveniently ignoring places like Great Falls and Loudon county.

Sorry, Potomac last season was dreadfully boring too. Nobody cares about your relationship Robyn! No one wants to see you grossly hitting on the men you’re dating Gizelle! No one cares your MIL doesn’t like you Monique! No one cares a restaurant concept that gives us kangaroo burgers is failing Ashley! No one cared

My favorite thing about Karen is that her wigs always start about three inches further back than they’re supposed to. I’m not knocking anyone with a receding hair line but I love that she constantly gives herself a receding wig line.

Cool! It seems like it’s more widespread than I thought.

Interesting! I grew up in the South and don’t remember hearing that.

It did not disclose any additional details, explaining that the complainant asked the allegation be handled confidentially and did not want Rush involved with the investigation.

I’m going to go out on a limb and say it’s possible the counseling center was tying to let her know how difficult the reporting process would be considering she was reporting student athletes. If they were aware of what seems to be a pervasive culture of protecting people in athletics, they may have wanted to let her

This isn’t a criminal case, it’s civil. She’s suing the school for failing to enforce Title IX and doesn’t need to prove whether she was assaulted, simply that she made a report and the university failed to take appropriate action. There are a lot of Title IX cases out there and universities are obligated to