
Depends on whether or not the institution has prioritized Title IX work and the messaging - both explicit and implied - the higher ups have conveyed to the rest of the people who work there. Plenty of schools take it seriously and treat reports against student athletes and the like with extra considerations because

I’m Ashkenazi and that’s true but only if that person is dead. You NEVER name a baby after someone still alive. Interestingly, I also know a lot of people who have their mom’s maiden names as their middle names which I’ve never seen done by non-Jews and I think its very sweet.

Don’t go. I grew up in Charlotte and still go back a couple times a year to see family. It truly is a wannabe Atlanta. When I do go back we are constantly struggling to fill the weekend. There are some fun things: NoDa is cool, the Museum of the New South is interesting, and there are some nice restaurants. But there

The ridiculous women from RHoMelbourne went to the Sheikh Mohammed Centre on a cast trip to Dubai and it looked like a really cool place. I’m always surprised when Real Housewives trips don’t end up in wholesale bans of people because they’re always SO poorly behaved but at the Centre seemed to take it all in stride.

And the Real Housewives of Melbourne went there and weren’t arrested/cause a ban on other Australians/rich white women with anger and drinking problems from going!

I remember this article when it came out. Diana’s reason hits very close to home for me and it was burned into the very front of my mind after the election.

Because nothing says, “No, really guys — I’m running for office as a serious candidate and you should overlook my lack of direct experience” quite like having your first sit down interview with WENDY WILLIAMS.

OMG.....its like he’s a freshman asshole creative writing student with a thesaurus and an inferiority complex. But someone clearly needs a dictionary to match because a lot of those words don’t mean what he thinks they mean.

I am still gagging over that plastic wig! What is wrong with them??

I feel like it takes about 15-20 lbs before people start really noticing and the positive reinforcement feels really good because it takes a long time to get there. Being on your feet all day is so helpful! I sit at a desk so if I don’t make a point to work out/move I can literally go 8 hours sitting in the same

That would be true if the challenge had anything to do with storybooks generally or Alice in Wonderland. Are you actually saying that in a nonconventional materials challenge it is obvious to dress like the queen of hearts? Making a dress out of playing cards isn’t super creative but neither is making a dress out of

That is heartbreaking. Take it from an are not your country! Keep up the good fight and don’t let the bastards get you down.

Will you even be able to truly enjoy shitting inside because when you’re super constipated from all that rice??

Girl, I feel you on the butt coverage. I’ve always had a big butt and even regular bottoms can turn into thongs quickly. Some of their styles are verrrrrrry cheeky but others are full coverage and I felt totally comfortable in them. You can filter by coverage and they have a bunch of cute full coverage options. The

This is so stupid. #justiceforthebees

So. Many, Thoughts.

Were there any medical evidence or pictures to corroborate what sounds like were extensive injuries?? Obviously her word should matter but if there were pictures of her injuries or a medical report and the jury still acquitted I may spontaneously combust.

AERIE SWIMSUITS ARE EVERYTHING. They are dirt cheap, comfortable, verry flattering and cute and provide all types of styles so you can actually find a cute swimsuit that has full coverage and isn’t marketed as a mom suit. I am short and curvy so I can’t speak to how they’d fit you but they added tall sizes this year

That would be nice but I’m not holding my breath.

When I was in high school AP and honors classes had extra weight assigned to grades so that someone making all As in non honors classes wouldn’t have a better GPA than someone making As and Bs in AP classes. I can’t remember what effect that had on the overall number, though....maybe the highest possible was a 5.0?