
Hmm that would make sense. It also makes me think of Brian Littrell in BSB and his voice issues from their documentary and Nick Carter being an absolute dick to him.

Was fully prepared to hate. Still hate her taking over the intercom to force unenthused chanting like every camp counselor ever but who among us hasn’t dreamed of doing the Bridesmaid bit on a plane?

Ugh this just makes me hate him more for this obvious diss to Britney. GET OVER IT, BRO.

I saw JT in concert in September. He performed in a thrown together show organized by Dave Matthews in Charlottesville after the KKK rally (which was a very nice thing to do, since tickets were only $17 so the performances were really donations). He was incredibly underwhelming at that show too, which was months ago

Three of the puppies in this year’s puppy bowl are special needs puppies from the same rescue org that I used to find my pupperino!

Lately I have seen sooo many people on social media use an apostrophe when trying to pluralize their last name (i.e. “Christmas with the Smith’s”) and it is DRIVING ME CRAZY. What’s even worse is that I’ve also seen people add the apostrophe in between the last two letters to pluralize a last name that ends in an s

Come on Sandoval....we all know that you’re team bros before hos. This is just damage control to placate Ariana.

I mean it had no where to go but up.

Obama with the hat is killing me.

That dress is incredibly tragic. I almost think its worse than the hat?

I think its the one wearing the toilet seat, framed by sperm and/or toilet paper depending on your perception.

It was around the time that Eugenie and her sister, Princess Beatrice, received international attention due to a pair of very silly hats. They are almost single-handedly responsible for educating Americans on what fascinators are in the last decade.

Omg I’ve never heard of this woman. What an amazingly epic burn.


Damnit! Thanks for doxxing me. :(

It is a very pretty name and a very traditional first name but I STILL get remarks and comments from people when they find out where I grew up.

If that is the only physical activity you do, then sure. When I take barre regularly and walk my dog daily or do like 2-3 very short runs a week and watch what I eat I definitely lose weight. I lost a little less than 30 lbs last year doing that.

Honestly, if you’ve never done barre I’d recommend going to live classes for at least a few months to figure out the form. Dancing isn’t really translatable to the specific actions and cues in a barre class. I’ve been going to Pure Barre regularly for almost 4 years now and danced when I was younger and I still get