
Am I the only one tired of the whole Nordics are racist narrative?

I agree that people can grow and change. What concerns me, and what I saw out of that controversy...well, a couple things:

“Give Noah a chance to fuck up in real life.”

Holy shit, this article is horrible.

He just made some wack ass joke about Bruce Jenner transitioning actually pretty recently.

It would be easier to laugh off his "jokes" if they were somewhat funny. The stuff I saw seemed like random middle school bully shit.

Why was it a “ridiculous amount of so-called backlash?” He tweeted some incredibly stupid and offensive things and got what I feel was an appropriate amount of “so-called backlash.” Not from this site, however, but from the Internet as a whole.

But it also doesn’t mean we shouldn’t call him out on this bullshit, either.

Some of the shit he said on Twitter was genuinely awful, and it wasn’t “idiotic” to be off-put by it. That one about fat chicks? It wasn’t even a joke... it was just pointing and laughing at fat women. It wasn’t trying to be clever or witty or anything: it was just fucking mean.

You know, I take serious issue with the fact we are calling this idiotic. The jokes he wrote weren’t funny, and they were definitely antisemitic and weirdly misogynistic for literally no reason. It didn’t even improve the stupid, shitty jokes. Had he been, say, a Republican staffer who was making inappropriate

It’s not like it was one or two bad jokes, it was a whole slew of them. Misogynistic, antisemitic, and worst of all, unfunny. If I was a chef that served a number of bad meals and also insulted jews at the same time, would I get my own restaurant?

"These people can't get to grocery stores that have extensive healthy offerings, and can't afford to buy the ones that are there, and are therefore getting sick! What's our solution, boys?"

It's popular because it's inexpensive (and easy and tasty). It's being taxed because it's unhealthy.

It's great that this money is going to community wellness projects, but taxing an item that is popular with people on food stamps specifically because it is inexpensive (as per the quoted portion of the article) sort of seems like it fails to address the inherent issues of 1. possibly not knowing enough about

Funny and his body is on POINT.


She sounds like she was pretty much a dick as a manager if you DIDN'T have kids. For fuck's sake people, some of us have lives, hobbies, OTHER family members we like to spend time with. Companies have stopped giving a shit about any of us... why do they think we'll continue to sacrifice everything, and kill ourselves

IF!!!!!????? IT WAS THE OTHER WAY AROUND? Is there another writers room in hollywood that isn't the other way around?