J. Schmo

DDoS attack is not a hack.

I skipped the second and third movies as the CG was really off-putting in the first one. I honestly had no idea that they were sticking with this style for the TV series and I’m immediately bummed out by it. I’ll give it a shot since I’ve always wanted to see the rest of the story, but man what a disappointment.

Founder and CEO has to sit at a desk facing another desk?

Doesn’t matter how hard they are to rangle, you are alone responsible for everything and anything they do. And should be held accountable as such. If a kid does something or hurts themselves or someone else nobody absolutely nobody should take the blame but the parents and the kid.

Urban Dictionary is not a credible/reliable source for the correct spelling and usage of words.

I see more and more typos and misspelled words on Gawker sites than ever before....Maybe I’m just more aware? There’s really no excuse with computers. Also, you’re job is writing....that’s your job. I would lose my job if I continually made dumb mistakes like that. Proofread. It’s really not that difficult. It really

Don’t be illiterate. It’s “psych!”

> fucking stupid internet drama

This is fucking stupid internet drama. That there is even drama over the fact that they won’t fly someone out to cosplay for their show is fucking stupid. WTF? Is this a thing now? Hiring remote cosplayers? Dafaq?

Currently rocking the Merritt & O’Keefe electric range that came with the house we bought a few years ago. In the basement we found the manual and reciept from when the previous owners purchased it... in 1965. That stove is 50 years old and still works just fine. I wish manufacturers could still build affordable

Yeah. And his dance to Erasure at the end was really the cherry on the sundae.

Jim will forever break the chains of love.

yes, that is literally free speech. you being annoying is protected by the first amendment, from government interference.

It still amazes me how many people don't understand the concept of free speech. You're a moron.

...and why very few alterations were bale to sneak in

The vast majority of theists are either simple minded or willfully keep themselves in ignorance. They’ve been taught that the Bible/Torah/Koran is all they need and seeking outside answers and finding that they contradict their little book is the devil trying to trick them. It’s sad really.

So you’ve been to a Southern Baptist Church like when I was a child too huh? ;)

I’m often pleased that Israeli scholars tend to be the first to be frank and analytical about the origin of the texts that make up the Bible. Many people in the United States who go to churches have barely read the thing and would have others believe that God sent his angels down from Valhalla or Mount Olympus and had

Citizen: “Daredevil I really need your help, these guys threatened to beat up my dad if he doesn’t pay them off by Tuesday?”
Daredevil: “Where was this going to happen?
Citizen: “Somewhere near Jones Woods Park.”
DD: “Wait, Jones Woods, you mean on Staten Island?”
Citizen: “Well, yeah...”
DD: “Get fucked kid, I only deal

One hour for $4? Nope, not interested. I don't care how the gameplay or art style is. Its not an excuse to charge alot. Heck even the free or 99 cent games last longer.