Lol you do realize this started because you said there was more important news, but then listed a bunch of irrelevant topics.
Lol you do realize this started because you said there was more important news, but then listed a bunch of irrelevant topics.
Hey man.. do me a favor and take a look at your post history. Its been 24 hours of you yelling at people and you haven’t gotten one “like” on any post that you’ve made since. Maybe its time to realize you’re on the wrong side of history here. But.. I bet your response will be another blizzard defense, not caring that…
BoA. Had free student checking from 18-26(?) years old. Once I hit that age, BoA removed me from the student pool and imposed the basic requirements for a checking account. Maintain a min of $1500 or one direct deposit a month (so only a paycheck from a payroll company counts) of $250. Failing to do either results in…
18 vs 80.
18 vs 78. I think it’s you that needs better luck next time.
I see your point, well made though RLCS age requirement is 15, so he is actually eligible. But, even so, kotaku didn’t write an article when he had a birthday and became eligible.
Yes. It is very easy to get companies to spend money on esports. I’m sure that the meeting is basically, “hey, remember that game you heard about a decade ago called world of warcraft? Remember how popular it was. We made that and we want you to invest in our new venture”
Lol, thanks for the counterpoint with facts to prove your point. Don’t worry in a few years you won’t be a teenager anymore and you’ll find a new game to play.
Dude.. It’s a video game. All games have a lifespan. OW had its peak two years ago and last year was surpassed by pubg and then fortnite in player base and viewers. It’s not the end of the world. Your favorite r game can still be played but stop being delusional.
You’re still going huh? No. If this were compared to traditional sports, OW would be disc golf. And no major news site write about the number one disc golfer turning 18 because very few people care.
I feel ya. I buy that explanation as a reality. I still feel though that if you’re introducing a product, you shouldn’t hamper your consumer base by lying to them about the product. This ad shows, predominantly that singing along with Labo Instruments is a vital part of the “game”.. it is not. The ad, while not a…
Yeah yeah yeah.. got it.. You can sing with any video game. Still trying to figure out what she is doing to interact with the game. Seems to me that, this particular iteration of Labo is a bad port of Rock Band. Unless shes not doing anything.. which is basically the case as far as I can tell.. so if she isnt…
Cool.. how are vocals apart of Labo?
Ok.. but why was Ariana Grande there? The video shows nothing of her doing anything Labo-related... its just the celebratory thing huh? Well then it makes the ad campaign feel cheap when Nintendo actually has a decent product to move.
Cool cool cool.. Since Joshua Alston writes every article on AV club about Atlanta.. is there any writer on the site that would like to take an actual critic role of the show?
Ugh.. you’re delusional, but I’ll play.
You really need to let it go. The sites subhead isnt a legal binding agreement. Obviously this site isn’t for you since you have such an issue with it.. either apply and join to change, stfu, or gtfo because based on the likes you’ve barely been able to achieve.. you’re the minority here pal.
Yay! Numbers...
Nope, not asking a thing from you. You’ve shown yourself to be the typical OW player/fan and are currently obessed with a game that is, in terms of overall popularity, dying. You’ll have to deal with that on your own. But don’t go around to video game sites asking them to cater to your whim. Apply to be a writer and…
And look at that.. you failed to show why either is an important story and also proved that, they aren’t newsworthy as a gen pub person like myself.. still has no reason to care. Instead of convincing me to become a fan of the sport you admire, you literally fed into why I do not like OW.