
Oh answers.. okay.. “Do you know why him turning 18 is a big deal?”

See.. that’s the thing. I am a member of the general public. This site is a site meant for the general public. Without googling, Im sure there is an OWL-News . com site.. or a OWLAddicts . com .. that will have all the discussion you need.

I understand this is your game, you only comment on OW and it apparently is a big part of your life. That’s fine. I’ve got games I love too. I could go on about how the site rarely mentions when Rocket League’s RLCS is going on, or that it’s only covered if a weird goal happens.. and, contrary to what Blizzard wants

As someone that doesn’t watch the OWL or care about the game at all.. I clicked on this link to read about it based on the headline as it sounded interesting. I did find it interesting. However all the topics you just listed, “AimGod arrived in NA today, big deal. Fl0w3R turned 18 today, pretty big deal. OWL patch

I’m hoping the Humble Monthly surges the D2 PC playerbase. It’d be nice to have people to actually play with but, I feel this game has run its course and is basically on life support at this point.

Hmm... One way to save money is to not employ people that require you pay 10k a month for them. There’s lots of out-of-college people that will gladly take 5k a month.

I must be weird. I didn’t have a problem with the GPP at all. In fact I thought it was a cool idea.

He’s charged with being a dick to the world. You can enjoy watching a dick flail about as they get older, but we all know what you’re doing.. looking at a floppy dick to get yourself off.

“We’re trying to build a competitive game here for a future possible esport or a platform on which esports can happen,”

I’m not saying its easy. I’m pointing out the the other company also making a BR game has no problem with weekly updates. Bluehole needed half a year to implement a menu option of map selection.

It feels like bluehole is actively working against what the playerbase wants.. or they just aren’t good at being a dev yet.

“Soccer Fans...” Yet video shows one incident that was most likely caused by one fan. Hmm

I’m.. not quite sure what we’re debating about anymore.. we both agree that both games are good in their own merit and we both have been playing shooters for 30+ years.

Well.. the problem is you are using k/d as a measure in a BR game.. all a BR win needs is to be the last alive so k/d isn’t an accurate measurement for anything BR related. Even if every BR game you had 75 kills.. if you didnt win, it doesnt matter.

But everything you’re describing about pubg’s firefights.. are the same type of thing we (as gamers) have been doing for 30+ years. The only change is the circle (map/arena) is constantly shifting during a match.

I do play both. Both are fun. But Pubg is basically a variation of CoD. It is fun. But if you have any fps skills it is not a hard game to win at. Take the best fps/cod player and drop them into a fortnite match and they will lose during the top 10 to someone that builds above them.

“And yet, somehow, it isn’t” eh well we’re just two people with differing opinions, and even though he and I have different points to our arguments.. even Shroud knows there is a bigger skill gap in fortnite than pubg:

“but the skill ceiling seems to be very low compared to PUBG”