Knockout Zed

James Ellroy wrote an article (maybe it was an excerpt from a larger work) for Esquire about his life as a young creep several years ago. My opinion was pretty much formed then. I think he's a repressed asshole who is nonetheless entitled to his sad opinions. It's a shame his nuanced, thoughful consideration less

I don't remember shit about species, phylum, family and whatnot from school, but isn't a wolf lupine and not canine? Or are those classifications not mutually exclusive?

This is just horrible.

Actually, you picked two examples that don't irk me. I would listen to both Cathy and Molly, which don't seem so "little kid" to me. Only Jimmy Pardo gets a pass as far as men go and he's not supposed to be taken seriously.

What's the over/under on when an adult should stop using the diminutive version of their name? "Kate" should be listened to, but there's no fucking way I'm going to let "Katie" give me my news.

Just based on this movie existing, I can't tell if you two are joking. Is this a serious thing, this Creed you speak of?

I think I just got that these young ladies were named after the author of Roots.