
You are parroting a common right-wing narrative by saying the French are cowards. If it wasn’t for France’s help in our early years, the USA would not even exist.

I know I’m just being a history nerd here, but the French bled themselves dry holding back the Germans in World War I. Research your throwaway jokes better!

I believe that was the rarely used “Fuck Yo Couch” blaster to the chest stance.

Form XIII a.k.a. “Why, hello there.”

Obi-Wan started in his defensive stance (Form IV) but noted Maul’s aggression. He shifted to Form III (Qui-Gon’s form, which is at best a standstill with Maul) he still used Form IV - which beats Maul. Maul used the same trick he tried with Qui-Gon. Obi-Wan had seen that before.

Sorry, but Maul and OWK never interacted in Ep1. The closest they got was Maul fighting QGJ while OWK had the ship take off.

I love how they handled it, I got his intent right away he couldn’t have communicated it any better to me. The way Obi-Wan shifted stances (his original being the one he used in the movie as well moving to a more powerful stance) showed he had anticipated this but in a way I felt that Maul wanted to go, his anger was

Yea, fuck these guys. 200 people is insane for a hotel room. Find somewhere else at 12:30am.

This is also why you don’t just use a hotel room and rent out a conference room - if you can fit in a suite you can damn well fit in a small conference room at a small hotel - the rates aren’t that bad.

I have never, ever, ever been logged out of gmail while clicking anything in an email

Sorry, but you are making a ton of assumptions about how the industry works and you are wrong.

Wait...The actresses left their roles, so that means Marvel considers them disposable? The mental gymnastics on that are astounding.

Yea, I’m not sure how or why Marvel is supposed to handle actor/actress departures in ways that still promote the departing character. I mean, is hand-waving Blonsky away as in a prison somewhere treating him as “disposable?” How about simply forgetting for the past 2 films that Tony Stark employs a personal driver

Dumping of two of its heroes’ major love interests in this way indicates that Marvel considers many of its female leads rather disposable, which isn’t great.

I get the reasoning but still. a WWI game without France was silly

His 12 million followers, or at least, a fraction of them?

This is true. I had much the same problem with reading, which I’ve started to prioritise again, once it wasn’t feasible to do on my lunch break. Which of course, cut into my game time. Oh well, it’s just about finding balance.

It was truly a great movie. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. My question now though is, is this actually a continuity movie or something tangential that was meant to serve as a grand finale for the actors? It’s kind of depressing to think that the world of Logan is the one that ultimately all the coming X
