
You need to get off the high horse. Everyone, including you, first judges a new game by its art design and direction.

Guessing you hate a player like me who is a Zenyatta main.

I agree. Wasn’t there a story about KKK in a video game recently? Oh my...when was that....

“HA HA, you’re right! All our base does belong to us.” (sips beer)

Just find Rorschach’s journal. It will explain everything.

I saw the first Teen Titans dvd with the team shown above. Where Damian joins the team. And I have to say, the moment they did a “Sailor Moon transformation” with Starfire....I was out. No more.

Not surprised. With the lost of Carrie Fisher, they will need time to do some edits.

“A Manga where immortality is the worst thing that can happen to you”

That gif in the article is just loaded with bullet porn.

Thank you. You were more helpful than that last guy.

You can still enjoy the game. You just can’t take win rate ratios seriously in that game.

Just Cause 3 just had the most epic cutscene that I’ve ever seen.

If you consider a google search an adventure, then you have my pity.

I was think Star Wars Empire:

I’m old, cause I prefer to watch movies and tv shows on my 47" tv instead on any smart phone. Nice looking phone though.

You could have just told me who it is, since I still don’t know. And now don’t care to look it up.

Also, the whole “he wears suspenders = gay” comment is short-sighted. SF3 came out in the ‘90s. Wearing suspenders was the thing in the 90s.

I have heard of ARMS. But that wouldn’t imply that I know the character roster.

Just people wanting to see or believe what they want to see or believe. Much like those groups of Overwatch fans who practically believe that every Overwatch character is in a gay relationship.