
And this is why I say, “I’m from Canada” with I travel. Gives me time to get away, while they are looking up Canada to see if they hate it or not.

! ! ! ! ... ?... !



Kinda gets overlook after the “attempt on murder” portion of the report...

You nailed it in the end.

Stung by the law now, asshole. And by asshole, I mean, guy who attempted to kill someone with his vehicle.

I see no reason to continue playing Destiny 1 at this point, even after the April update.

Hope they find that missing man and give him his corpse back.

Tyler “Ninja” Blevins can eat a dick.

Don’t let ageism get the best of you, sonny. You need all the support you can....zzzzzzzzzzzzz......

Agree with that too.

But it’s a headline on the main page when looking for articles to read. People don’t need to read the article to see the spoiler within the headline. I agree with Platypus, not everyone got a change to see it in theaters for various reasons.

Mads is great. But lets keep the record straight. The Geonosian designed the Death Star, seen in Episode II. Galen just helped design the power source for the super laser unknowingly, and then established the weakness.  

Cade Skywalker and his death stick abuse. Make it Star Wars meets Trainspotting.

“It’s a joke. It’s all a joke.”

It’s a joke. It’s all a fuckin’ joke.