Is the article picture from Sony or Kotaku? That is my only question.
Is the article picture from Sony or Kotaku? That is my only question.
Guess we won’t be seeing a Winston buff anytime soon..
All I see is that can of soda, that too close to the board and will ruin the game for all when it tips over.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the fan community overhypes their speculation of who the newest character will be, only to be disappointed and blame Blizzard for not caring about what the fans think.
WHAT!?! They didn’t fight like this?!
Your thinking is in the minority and I don’t think any amount of internet comments are going to change your mind.
That little Metroid from Super Metroid. I love that little bugger! Sniff!
Is it short grain or long grain rice? My interest in the game is dependent on the answer.
Before they get into this possible relationship, I just want to know, WHAT THE FUCK did Hanzo do to Genji to make him into Robocop.
Why is there no McRamen yet!?!
Kept chanting “I’ll believe it when I see it” while reading this article.
I’m put off by how ludicrous and over the top some of the quick time and cutscenes are in this game (like the phone answering or missile side-stepping) . To me, the game is no different from those bollywood action scenes, that just make me roll my eyes.
All these options are interesting. But I’m stuck playing quick play until I get the last achievement on my list: Zenyatta’s Rapid Discord.
The ref pushed the kid after threw an elbow into the ref’s side. The ref was in the right to push back.
Enslaved. Great game with a weak ending.