
Kept chanting “I’ll believe it when I see it” while reading this article.

Get off the soap box. You’re done, son.

And don’t make another Daredevil...

X-men: Supernova. AKA: What we should have done for X-men 3.

Well, Stark (or Pym) made Ultron, which was the equivalent of Skynet. If that is not the dumbest thing then....

Not going to lie. Had to type “Marvel AoS” to find out what you were taking about. Haven’t seen an episode of that yet.

When I first heard the phase “Marvel Villain problem,” I thought it was about the fact that most of the villains have died within the movies and they would eventually run out. Didn’t think the issue was about the quality.

Now playing

I’m put off by how ludicrous and over the top some of the quick time and cutscenes are in this game (like the phone answering or missile side-stepping) . To me, the game is no different from those bollywood action scenes, that just make me roll my eyes.

All these options are interesting. But I’m stuck playing quick play until I get the last achievement on my list: Zenyatta’s Rapid Discord.

I believe it has a world-wide fandom, hence it’s box office success around the world. Some people saw the movie several times. Also, I think it tapped into other fandoms, like furries (sigh).

Episode 28 if I am not mistaken.

The ref pushed the kid after threw an elbow into the ref’s side. The ref was in the right to push back.

Ghosts and horror monsters are not real, dude. Easier to believe that when you’re a kid, but eventually you grow out of it.

Enslaved. Great game with a weak ending.

I walk within a darkened house cause not every light needs to be on all the time. I’m also not a wuss that’s afraid of the dark.