Kenneth Evans

There’s also the fact that direct purchases undeniably mean better content for everyone. When you’ve got loot boxes you can get away with having 1 great skin and a dozen crappy ones because people will disregard the crappier ones in an attempt to get to the good one, which has lower odds. But with a cosmetics store,

Credit to Van for responding, in the moment and in the face a huge celebrity and icon and not backing down and still delivering some really real shit to Kanye’s face.

If you imagine an America where only black people were allowed to vote and an America where only white people voted, I think it’s pretty clear which one of those two Americas would be better governed, more successful and more respected in the world. White people know this at least subconsciously - and loathe it,

“The crowd has boo’ed you, your players’ stats will be drained slightly to start the first two drives.”

“Press X to protest America’s societal injustices and police misconduct.”

DeadStar looks interesting, Nuclear Throne as well, and I’ll prolly pick up Guns Up because I have a buddy working on it.

If you have an Xbone and don’t have Sunset Overdrive... WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!? Seriously, go get it for $20. It’s like Saints Row IV and Ratchet and Clank had a baby (only Ratchet and Clank also briefly cheated on Saints Row with Jet Set Radio).

If you have an Xbone and don’t have Sunset Overdrive... WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!? Seriously, go get it for

Target’s buy 2 get 1 free video game deal works on both Fallout 4 and Tomb Raider :)

Target’s buy 2 get 1 free video game deal works on both Fallout 4 and Tomb Raider :)

“OMG!!! There’s a Vehicle Stopped On Shoulder ahead!!! Take evasive action now!”

As a programmer, I can confirm that being able to write clearly is a big deal in this industry. It’s amazing how many decent programmers are hard to work with because they simply cannot communicate clearly.