It’s nice that there are archeologists and historians that are challenging the old narrative of “there’s no way a complex society could have been here before the Europeans!”
It’s nice that there are archeologists and historians that are challenging the old narrative of “there’s no way a complex society could have been here before the Europeans!”
Finds are happening all over - the ruins of a settlement on Vancouver Island that was thought to be a local First Nations legend were found recently...and turns out that ancient village was 14,000 years old. As in “there during the last ice age” old.
Yeah you can take a pill that will magically fetch the aborted fetus from the sewers and put it back in your belly to grow. Slight chance it picks up rat or turtle dna so if you are lucky you may have a baby you can train to be a ninja!
Toxic masculinity always shows up to ruin the party.
Be good.
As you may or may not know, I have a thing for early Volkswagens. I’m also aware of how problematic that is, what…
If the world were just, he wouldn’t be attending because he won’t still be president on April 29.
Hey, as long as no one fucks with the Polar Seltzer factory...
Your neighbor who grew up in Everett checking in here. I definitely don’t think any of this is fishy except the friend of a friend.
And give up America’s veto on the Security Council? The pro Israel crowd will never let it happen.
After several false starts, evacuations for civilians from the bombarded city of Aleppo began on Monday, and among…
Bad grade in Developmental Psych?
Yeah, well I didn’t live 33 fucking years to see Trump become president either.
UGH don’t get me started on the deposit I had to put down in order to cover the cost of my disembodied wailing. Apparently because I’ll be shrieking at a higher pitch than male ghosts, the premium goes up. Plus I have to sign a clause that forces me to promise that when I fill elevators with blood, that I’m using…
I mean, lady coffins HAVE to be more expensive. Our curvy Boobs n’ Things means we need more wood than men do. Plus, EVERYONE knows that when ladies die, our spirits are forced to walk the earth forever, nagging men and screeching into the ether. And that obviously means our graves require regular salting and…
I bet if she were white, you wouldn’t be asking these questions.