breaking news: ignorant peasant who made a lot of money from horny housewives with e-readers by writing bad twilight fanfiction and then doing a find/replace of the characters’ names despite not being able to write better than a fantastically drunk junior high student, as it turns out, can’t write. got it.
Came here to see all the jackasses who clearly fancy themselves legal experts jabber on about something they could google and find actual information on, proffering their completely invalid and pointless opinions which fly in the face of decades of established legal precedent in the United States because nowadays in…
Oh.... and where did you get your law degree? Because my law license just told me that these types of cases have a long history and are successful very frequently.
Employee of owner acts as his/her agent in most cases. Nope.
Try again. There is a long-established history of successful litigation against owners of restaurants who over-serve alcohol to customers, who then drink and drive. The fact that this is Tiger Woods is entirely coincidental. Soooo... no. Just no. To all of your comment. Educate yourself and try again.
Buy lactase capsules from the health food store. You can see how much lactase they contain. It’s always more than lactaid pills.
Fuck Lactaid, try Nature’s Way. And look at the dosing. Most lactase tablets have a laughably insufficient amount of lactase. However, if you buy the version from the health food store in capsules, you should be able to see how many IU are in it. Buy the one with the best value (because you can always take…
The death of Missandei aside, it’s annoying as fuck that 90-- no, 100% of the characters of consequence at this point are white anyways, and this is the hill they’re going to die on? Yeah. OK, fine. Yes, this happens a lot, but it’s really, really fucking far from being the only incidence of racist tropes on the show.
Well, just like anything, there are rewards and drawbacks. You’re never going to enjoy a job that you have 100%. I think the key, for me at least, is to find something, fully understand the sacrifices and benefits to me, and decide what motivates me the most. Right now, that’s the “creative control” of nonprofit work,…
Well yes - there are newer, larger elbow juicers with inserts for smaller fruits that cost about $20, but that’s not what I’m talking about. All you need is the largest one that the Latin grocery store carries (I believe the brand is Imusa and the largest model is orange). It’s cheap, like $8-11, and despite it being…
Well... arguably it does have a measurable effect on interstate commerce, namely, with regard to human trafficking (raise the age of consent = raise the penalty on criminals who traffic minors, almost all of which occurs across state lines). Again arguably it wouldn’t affect cases like this. I mean shit, I don’t know.…
But the problem is that Robert Mueller appears, by all accounts, to be a man of outstandingly high moral character; in contrast, fucking anyone even tangentially related to the Trump administration appears to be wildly corrupt, at best.
I’m not sure how that happened, but I once had a guy ask me to represent him on a custody case because “mom was addicted to meth and the baby wasn’t safe with her”
Internalized misogyny is a hell of a thing.
My guess on this is that Congress doesn’t have the delegated statutory authority to set laws on ages of consent. I can geek out on this if you want, but basically they can only legislate things on a federal level as they relate to powers enumerated by the constitution. I’m with you, I wish that it was actually 21 with…
I use my lemon elbow juicer for lemons, limes, and small oranges. If it ever breaks, I’m just going to buy the orange-sized elbow juicer and use it for everything. There is no need to buy more than one of these...
Ugh. Honestly that just sounds like she was parroting internalized misogyny, which when taken in context with other things she said, was actually emotional abuse. I’m so sorry you had to deal with that, but glad to hear about your school!
Ugh. I’m sorry.
It’s frustrating, right!? I eat in my office, by myself, but my coworkers often tell me to “eat a damn cheeseburger.” I also feel extremely anxious and awkward during office birthdays, and want to find an excuse to stay away. I can tell when I decline a slice of cake that the whispers will start the minute I walk off.