The Knitigator

Yeah I also have a lower-end dry herb vaping pen that I take with me to parties, but as much as I’ve used the Pax (and probably saved on bar tabs), it’s 100% paid for itself.

Everybody fucking HATES lawyers and lawsuits until you realize that these kinds of class action/personal injury torts actually step in to make the market safer.

But seriously if you haven’t smoked weed and then folded laundry and/or brushed your teeth... have you really even lived??

Uh... kind of a weird hill to die on, but sexual harassment is insidious and evil no matter what your career? I mean no one is immune; look at Harvey Weinstein.

You’re probably right that cannabis can’t be worse than benzos. They’re some of the WORST in terms of side effects and addiction potential. I hope you figure something out - and I hope we legalize medical use in your state soon so that you can try with your doctor’s guidance.

Can and will confirm that I have been told “Xanax is alcohol in a pill” by two doctors.

I am 100% with you. My reply was sarcastic - yes, it’s absolutely idiotic to buy into toxic masculinity, but crazy? I don’t know... it seems dismissive to blame this guy’s behavior on “mental illness,” which is how I’d interpret “crazy.” 

Thanks... it was more like a tirade. It was a long day. Haha.

But is it really all that crazy to believe that you’re entitled to the attention of beautiful women when you’ve grown up your entire life watching the totally relatable guy in every form of media, ever, like the movie where SETH FUCKING ROGAN or Adam fucking Sandler end up being adored by bombshells like Charlize

you are my spirit animal

Not just great for cancer patients and elderly folks; it can help significantly with those of us who, due to eating disorders, either don’t want to or cannot eat. It removes the cognitive distortions that stop us from eating (“If I eat, I will get fat” or “I don’t deserve to eat” become “a size 4 is perfectly fine,

But you’ll attest... it’s still worth it. Worth the sacrifices, worth the lost sleep, worth the partying I never got to do, worth the deep breathing in the bathroom before I have to go in front of that judge again, worth the canceled social engagements, because look. I may not be able to change THE world, but there’s

Hahaha well... I was a bit angry when I posted that. It isn’t like TV, at all, which — don’t get me started on how that convinces people it’s easy, because if that truly was how we all did our jobs, then yes, anyone could do it.

This is all good evidence as to why if anything we should make it harder, not easier, to become a lawyer. I know a lot of attorneys who passed the bar and, with that, truly gave their last fuck, who are playing malpractice bingo at this point.

UGH there is a judge in a nearby county who has an open reputation for groping young female attorneys

No, I don’t resent my career, at least most of the time. I find it incredibly satisfying and worth all of the rather substantial sacrifices I have made, time and time again, and would do those things again. However, I do get incredibly frustrated and angry when people are so dismissive, not only of the hard work it

My vote is cannabis flower in a vaporizer; the Pax is obviously the top of the line but lots of other vaporizers do a good job. You’re not smoking, you’re inhaling vapor (the vaporizer heats but does not combust/burn the herb), so you’ll have some throat irritation which can make you cough. You get the benefit of the

I can appreciate that she is taking an interest in a worthy cause, but it’s a bit insulting to those of us who busted our asses and lived very boring lives trying to be nerds when an Instagram model acts like this is something anyone can do if they just spend a couple hours a day practicing

I saw this and while my first reaction to Kim K was “stay in your lane, we have enough narcissistic assholes in this profession already,” I have to admit that my secondary and more insistent reaction was, “settle down, anyone who has heard that woman talk for more than four seconds knows for a fact that there is no

Let me clarify that I did not buy into the “4/20"-Hitler-weed connection... just that I genuinely thought weed was bad for any of the host of other reasons we’ve all been taught that weed = bad (makes you horny/hungry/tired, has no other benefit, makes you lazy, etc.)