
Freedom of Speech doesn’t protect you from another US Citizen saying “I don’t like the thing you are saying.” It protects you from the government locking you in jail cause you said that thing. The guy who tackled the flag waving racist went to jail and paid a fine. There was no government action against the flag

Once again, the Freedoms of Speech and Association (gathering in protest) are protections against government actors. They do not protect you from your job firing you for dumbass opinions or having a counter protestor Stinger Splash your ass because your flag, that represents a bunch of racist traitors, pisses him off.

I just emailed his office this:

I tell the two symbols apart with a mnemonic device that associates the arrow pointing up with an erect penis. I know I’m not the only one who does this, at least I hope not.

As someone who has the tiny top scar herself, I can tell you exactly how to avoid the asshole look just below the scar- don’t have liposuction when you have a neck lift/lower face lift. It isn’t necessary once the neck lift is done and you almost always end up with weird skin reaction/swirls like you see in that

Thank you for everything, Carrie. For your bravery and charm and your refusal to shut up or give up. For lifting the veil off mental illness. For refusing to be ashamed. And most of all for showing my daughter that being a princess isn’t just about finding a prince. You will be so missed.

I honestly thought that this one was going to be the watershed moment for the entire police shooting insanity. This guy was not a criminal, had a record of being repeatedly hassled by the cops and not charged and, on top of that, was legally carrying a weapon with the paperwork. This guys was a perfect example for

Why oh why is there always, always a shitty brother-in-law. Everyone has one! Especially when it comes to politics.

Fuck the media for not only perpetuating the whole “They’re both shitty candidates” narrative but also giving that bloviating windbag hours of free airtime because they found him entertaining. And for letting him and his surrogates say whatever the fuck they wanted to without bothering to fact check any of it until

Man. Luckily I’ve somehow managed to get this far without having that directed at me personally, but that would send me over the edge. It further sends me over the edge when someone, having survived some “brush with death” (often, their experience really pushes the limits of that definition), claims their continued

I bought $30 dollars worth of candy from costco this weekend (the good stuff, none of this jolly rancher and blow pop bull shit), so I’ll be home hoping no kids come by and that I get to eat it all.

“Fred Armisen in a wig and a dress is a deeply shitty joke”

As to patterns of behavior.... And now I sigh, because Angelina brings out all my least feminist instincts, and I struggle with this, I really do. And certainly, if he harmed the kids in any way, either physically or emotionally, there is no excuse. But as to patterns of behavior? All of her relationships before him

Yeah OK anyone who said that is flat out lying, doesn’t spend much time with their kids, or is heavily medicated. I have been a SAHM and working mom, now mom of three under 5 and I raise my voice every. Fucking. Day. The two older ones would murder each other otherwise. Sometimes its uncalled for yes and I try my best

You have no idea what that means. As a cocky asshole of a 15-16 year old I picked a fight with my dad. He could have hurt me but he didn’t. He pushed me against a door, picked me off my feet and told me to never do that again. Needless to say I didn’t. Maddox is 15 now and might have gotten defensive over his mom

When I was a kid (3ish)my dad pulled my arm out of the socket. My mom used to tell me that all the time growing up as proof of my dad’s “temper”. I’m 34 and I have never to this day never seen this temper.

I have said here that if you don’t yell at kids they won’t make it to 5 alive. I don’t mean long screaming rants, but the “No, don’t touch that!” type yells, you know. The ones that keep them from doing really dumb shit that will get them killed. Of course, people here called me a horrible abuser and said they’d never

One thing I have learned from doing family sessions with the kids I work with and their (often horrible, always fucked up) families is that I can have every person present, hear every side of every story, interact with everyone, and still walk out not really knowing what is true or false when it comes to physical

I don’t want to put words in CJ’s mouth but I wonder if her issue with Shortal is more about her generally androgynous look and she just chose to zero in on the jeans for the purpose of the article. If she’s pearl-clutching over a pair of jeans then I can only imagine what she really thinks about certain “lifestyle