
Sure, that’s the only situation in which women could possibly feel physically intimidated by men or in which men sexually assault women. *eyeroll*

People are also acting like women aren’t physically intimidated by men. We are. Men are bigger and stronger, for the most part. To be alone with a man is taking a risk. We often laugh and try to placate them even when we’re uncomfortable. There is story after story of women who allow men to have sex with them in order

It’s almost like she’s experienced a lifetime of being told it’s her moral obligation to make people feel good and that it’s selfish to do what is right for her.

Its a fear of male violence issue. Fix that and women will be straight with you. If she had walked out of that date, she’d have to make sure she had a safe way to get home and that he couldnt find her. Some bars have a service to help women leave bad dates but it isnt everywhere.

Lmao you sound like you shit fedoras.

My wife has a brother the same age as your nephew, who on top of living in an extremely conservative rural town with no real sex ed, is on the spectrum and has trouble socializing. I’ve talked to him about consent and all that, but I fear the kind of bullshit that the few kids he hangs out with at school and the

Thank you for having this conversation with your nephew!! The “friendzone” only exists in the minds of people who live there...because when someone does not reciprocate romantic interest, you have the choice to accept that and stay in their lives on those terms or move on entirely. The people who talk about the

You missed the whole point of this article.

My god, please, please go away.

This is 100% true. I remember thinking the whole time I was being raped, “why isn’t my boyfriend coming to rescue me?” only to discover later that he had purposely left me alone in that hotel room with his friend and took an extra long time to get the food. It’s to the point that 20 years later, I’m more angry with him