Knihilist Davis

I once won an argument with a libertarian by making him admit that Adventure Bay is a libertarian utopia.

Now I have that riff in my head, which is an excellent riff. So, thanks. 

Joke’s on you, pal. I don’t even live near the ocean.


If Lebron takes Melo of OKC's hands via trade I will kiss you on the mouth.

FFffffffuuuuuuuuuu... triggered.

1) Drummer has been, and continued to be, the best part of the show.

+1 “Decepticons! Retreeeeeeeeeeeat!”

Here Are Some Old Englishmen [from the country the nazis tried to bomb into oblivion] Doing An Anti-Semetic Chant [against a people the nazis tried to exterminate] and Saluting Hitler [the most evil person in history; in the city where the nazis killed close to a million Russians]

Intentionally hurting your draft rating in an attempt to get drafted between 15 and 20 is a surefire way to get the Kings to draft you at 2. Hell, they may even trade up to get him.

What am I missing in regards to Russian neo-nazis? Everyone should hate Hitler and the Nazi regime, but the Russians should REEEEEEEEALLY hate them. Is it just that all white nationalism gets to the “Heil Hitler” bullshit eventually, or is it a lack of understanding history?

So, to clarify, this woman wished their unborn child dead, and then it was stillborn? That’s fucked, but also incredibly spooky. They should burn her as a witch. Only fair.

I earn my brown stripes through poor diet and too much booze.

Name checks out.

Just a heads up, Mr. Met might have anger issues.

Nobody even says Daddy-O anymore.

A literal toddler? Why have I never known of this? Why isn’t my worthless toddler owning fedora-wearing redpillers on the internet?

Harried honker hits heights, hurdle. Humans horrified.

I guess I don’t really C what the B D is.