
The pineapple was clearly rotten and everyone made a quick trip shortly after eating it. Henceforth I am the wisest animal because I don't eat fruit.

I think you have it. "First hand" is the missing key.

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha etc...

DON'T DO THIS!!! LIFE it's WORTH living...

"I've never heard of such a thing, but some have," Officer Chris Adams said.


Two weeeeksssss..................

Okay, pet peeve of mine. Especially at diners. The saucers purpose is not just to keep the table from getting coffee on it. It is also, and maybe MORE importantly the place to SET your teaspoon. Because after you've stirred your coffee or whatever, your spoon is wet, it should not be placed on the dirty diner table,

I wish that was my name...

I could never really use lotion. Need oil.

ummm, Yup.

Model-"You want me to grasp the apple like this?"

He looks surprised to see those...

I lolled

I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that there was much less food to come by. Although, when I get a stomach flu, I do tend to loose weight...


I thought he was looking at 50fps?

Yes, that's correct. You have much more latitude in image correction after the fact. This is very important for post production and effects, especially any color keying that might have to be done. There are also compression artifacts that can appear when the image is blown up.

How do they know that the Prostaglandin CAUSES the baldness? Just because there is more of it in the balding areas, that doesn't mean that it's the cause. Couldn't it be the result of some other cause? Isn't that a logical fallacy? They need to test this before they can claim success!

Thanks! Cool Site.