“WoW Classic” is a funny way of Spelling Final Fantasy XIV, by care of Reddit
“WoW Classic” is a funny way of Spelling Final Fantasy XIV, by care of Reddit
A lot of people at the reddit are thinking we met Emil already, with him being the head that was on the lock to the door to the raid.
The coffers that drop at the end, 3 of them and raid wide loot and not part of the weekly gear cap, only contain the 2B outfit. Hopefully 9S’s will be a reward at the end of one the next two raids in the series. The 2B outfit can be worn by either gender as well. As for the actual gear it has different appearances for…
Everything but the chest piece is, that's the healer 2B inspired one she has on.
Cough... Cough... Shantotto... Cough
Not from Livestreamfails because the thread came up after the ban. Clearly it must be true, it’s not like private messaging and chat is available on reddit... Oh wait it is.
Not in the patch notes, but the block was put into place today to prevent those with the Steam Key version from using the normal Windows client (and visa versa it seems). Though the subreddit has found some temporary work arounds so no one has to currently re-download the game to play.
a d6?
Why is this video autoplaying? It's even doing it while being attached at the bottom of unrelated articles.
Yeah, though 9/9/19 is the 20 year anniversary, so it does have a bit more prominence than any other 9/9.
Shame, the release isn’t 9/9/19. I mean someone at Sega should have remembered the significance of that date.
Modded? You can get that effect by just installing the ram cart.
Surprised that the Dragonborn didn't make the list as that game is horrible
RDM main (since FFXI even) and short of leveling to have a class of each of the four role types, I’m loath to play anything else outside of crafting classes. People that can switch on the fly jobs on the fly like that more power to you.
I only really ever ran into one toxic player in my time playing. They were a healer and went off on me (and the rest of the group) because at the time I had a 360 item level weapon in St Mocainne’s HM, after I had unlocked expert that day and been running it for tomes for gear. Apparently they felt that all players…
No, HG doesn’t have a say over Jetfire unless Hasbro were to paint it exactly like an established TV color pallet veritech and tried to sell it as a veritech or make a 1 to 1 modern toy and then do the same. Which Hasbro obviously wouldn’t do. As in the HG 2016 lawsuit against Tatsunoko, the arbitrator found that HG d…
Best of luck with the 80 dungeon and final trial. The pair you just finished are cake walks to those to. You’ll love the 2nd part of the last zone and keep an eye out for the sorta FF7 easter egg there. Once you complete the MSQ two more dungeons unlock one set in that second part of the zone and one that references…
True enough about image rights, but HG not being able to rise any legal complaint over Jetfire again was part of thr public info.
Harmony Gold has absolute zero say, with prejudice even over Jetfire. They tried and failed hard. Hence my note that Hasbro has licensed merch with the G1 box art available.
No, because the Macross rights have nothing to do with it. Bandai owning the original mold that Jetfire was made from is all.