They can’t because of their partnership with Takara, as it would require Hasbro to work directly with Bandai.
They can’t because of their partnership with Takara, as it would require Hasbro to work directly with Bandai.
That has very little to do with it. Hasbro is in their full rights to make a G1 Jetfire reissue if they wanted, hell they allow official merch with the original box art. The reason they don’t is due to their partnership with Takara prevents them with working directly with Bandai, because Takara wouldn’t be able to…
*First Haslab Transformers project. Jabba’s Sail Barge was the first Haslab project.
What’s next Gendo Ikari Glasses?
The pre BC patch wasn’t what people were asking for...
Though SE should have blocked all off home world market board transactions and not allow buying since servers with small populations economies are gonna gonna be in for some bad times.
Always keep a box of band aids on hand, as cutting a finger or two will happen.
So you’re saying there are two things associated Gabe that are full of shit?
I dunno why though, the waltzes were mostly terrible for anything other than self healing and dancer was more known for it’s monster dagger damage self skillchains.
Actual in game FFXI dancer vs that discription they came up with is not accurate in the slightest. In game FFXI dancer’s non-self healing is lackluster at best and the class is brought for damage dealing with self skillchains and haste buffs.
Didn’t Edgar have a machine gun as one of his tools in FFVI?
It’s got a Big Ben’esq clock tower that shows up in trailer and hill figures, pretty sure it’s “Not-Britain” as a whole.
I mean this is the 2nd time the Link’s Awakening has been “remade” too with the first time being the colored and enhanced DX version for the Gameboy Color.
Yeah outside of two terrible 3rd party (Kronos and Sky Guardian) and one meh 3rd party (Sky Crusher, waiting on new version) Jetfires I have all of them. But yeah I do collect outside of Jetfire, the case to the left is my G1 Deceptions and on the other side of that is the G1 Autobots, with figures from 84-16 and some…
I would say the real money auction house and making it so you couldn’t get good drops for the class you playing was just as bad as the loot boxes today.
Now if only Blizzard would do the same.
Aye, it helps a lot with HQ’ing items. Also if you have multiple crafts leveled enter in your levels for each one then go back and hit the add by level button for each classes to make sure the cross class skills appear. Each class has at lease one ability at 15 and 50 and some have post 50 cross class skills.
If you haven’t already found and use it, may I suggest the FFXIV Crafting Optimizer. You just plug in your levels, crafting stats and what abilities you have learned and it will sim the best rotation and generate the macro(s) needed. Plus you can set it up to make an extra pre-craft macro to set up the appropriate…
The only real difference from the help vs non help is the saving time. Also I bet a lot was made from pregenerated macros so those that made it probably didn’t have to do a lot. But the goal is to pay it forward so help others as you have been helped.