
like any trope really, if done well it can work.

i'm laughing so hard because that's what she was jimmying for.

also IUDs are a thing. i feel i'm completely ready for the apocalypse. no periods plus 10years baby free. winning.

is there a thing for marnie millennials to have their screen names be "'first syllable of name' plus 'face'?" because i swear i know two marnies and they both have "ashface" and "jessface" names.

Edward literally said he did it because he thought the poster would look cool.


this is music but i was just recently scandalized by "Gold Digger." i didn't even know it was censored.

so was the Happy Holsters, if you ver read those.

when i'm in my house i literally never wear pants or underwear. ever. it's the first thing i take off when i come home. in the summer i'm naked but when it's colder i put on a tshirt. not a long t either, just a normal one.

@disqus_LcyxfrqSt0:disqus i actually laughed at loud at that. prooves no joke is ever truly dead

a little OT: but don't you remember when leads looked different? every girl in every movies looks the damn same. same body type, same perfectly coifed and lightly waved shoulder length hair, same make up, same style, same facial features, SAME SAME SAME SAME!!

i've been laughing at this for a solid 8 minutes. i know exactly what you're talking about

i've been laughing at this for a solid 8 minutes. i know exactly what you're talking about

nice bi-erasure going on there >____> maybe she's queer?

nice bi-erasure going on there >____> maybe she's queer?