
I bet it has to do with those exciessive phone calls.
He is looking great this year, time for Henry to be more engaged to his parents activities.

But Misha doesn't know about the Jennings "job", maybe he will befriend Henry and keep him busy

What are the Jennings going to tell Stan when Misha visits. Maybe. We took in an exchange student.

I thought that also. Henry would probably tell his parents if he was failing math.

I want that so much. Stan didn't sell you out Oleg. He is blackmailing the FBI to save you. Bet it will happen and Oleg will never know the truth

Martin Sheen is considered the best actor playing POTUS on television. Better than Kevin Stacy and anyone else. Every time I watch this show I think he is very presidential.

Well accurate to a point. they take liberties that make it possible to a point. I wonder if Joan's mamacita was that involved in her script choices? She's my favorite

Guess Max is no Jimmy McGill.
Good guy, but not the sharpest pencil in the box. Thanks

Excellent season. Carries acting is so brilliant, her expressions and body language are perfect. It's good to see this season in familiar territory👋🏻👋🏻

Did anyone have the feeling when he bumped into the guy before they took the phone he slipped into his jacket?

Please don't touch max😱

All of these "true stories" that we enjoy are a little or problem quite not exactly fatual. It's done for the viewers to like it much more.
Not the girls dislike for each other, maybe Joan didn't make her girls wear bows or she didn't look to adopt a child. Betty Davis's daughter was pretty good as an actress.

So much is impossible to happen, but really who cares? It's so well done. Do you think Carrie can do one thing without her child?? Yes for sure Carrie is Carrie we need her for excitement. She will get her back and probably have these people baby sit

Every where you look and every person is tearing the DOnALD to bits and threads. What a country we does he take I. I love this show.

Bizarre story line this week. But love so many things about the show I watched it. Marissa Luca , and so much Carrie Preston. She is a trip. Full doses of her for sure. The music is wonderful and the opening is very good. Is the season finished?
Loved watching every episode except this quirky one.. if this a generic

I bet it is! I plan to see the original, I probably did, but it's been a long time. When Joan says mamacita, I crack up

Mamacita, mamacita, just THE ticket in this show. These girl are playing actresses I heard about. I bet the movie that was made is, in its own way funny

Carrie, Saul and Quinn break all barriers in acting, so marvellous believing some unbelievable things. Quinn does more in having many physical and mental problems. But he gets the job done.
Something's are hard to believe but it works for the veiwers. What ever the next 3 episodes are we are in for the ride

Can't do that. He is also Dollar Bill on BILLIONS. He is a must for that family.

Billions having Taylor brings another side to its story line. I thought Taylor was a female, trying to look like a male. If any label to her gender, having a lesbian is just the ticket. Her real name is femanine.