
It looked like a female. I thought it would be him. Thank you

Who was in that "grave"

You are welcome. What a difference in the two parts. I hope Dollar Bill does bring his wig to Billions , Ax will lose his easy going manner. Tuesday is the Americans , can't wait

Excellent actors on Billions. Taylor character is a change up from the usual group. Dollar Bill is excellent. He also is on THE AMERICANS as Pastor Tim. Kelley AuCoin better get his wig ready as the good Pastor.
I really wish Wendy and Chuck would get back together. I like the dynamics of her working for Axelrod.

He is alive and well on BILLIONS as Dollar Bill.

I am not sure, hearing that song might be as bad as being set on fire. OMG😱😱😱

I wrote the the answer and then saw what I wrote nine months ago. I can't imagine I wrote that!!

Couldn't resist to answer this past question. Today REAGAN is brilliant compared to Donald Trump

What else is new???

I liked Noah this episode. He was interested in whitneys affairs. Pardon the pun. She wanted to go home and he did the right thing. The lack of emotion is strange. I really thought Helen or everyone should be a little more affecinate. But for what ever twists and turns the show brought, I really liked it. The acting…

It is not worthy of an Oscar. I really thought cute. Music was very catchy.
But I realized all the songs had the same melody. But to different beats.
But can't take it home. The foreign press likes it, that rules a bit.

Yes I heard that also. But not instantly. My guess she would have to lose over 100 pounds.
I know the show was renewed for 2 seasons. I wish her luck.
Even after that surgery you can gain all that weight back.

I was seriously wondering during the golden globes if she won and had to go on stage. She is beyond morbidly obese. She is endangering her health by staying so heavy. She should lose weight . I heard the show wants her that heavy for awhile and then she will have the operation.

The best OMG moments of this episode were when Cole told Oskar of having sex with Allison. The other was Helen going into the bar and talking to Allison. Real late night soap opera happening.

He should have Gone to confession. Telling Okar was stupid. Telling anyone was. We knew. That's enough

Great, was not in the mood for watching it again to see why.

I actually thought the doctor was a female. But I didn't have that feeling. That would have this show more confusing.

You nailed it by saying it is watching a different show. I also agree that watching it is like watching a fly crawl up a drape
Some episodes are very good. Some are quite annoying and confusing.
Helen this week was in a rare moment wanting her ex. Noah is a complete low life. The French professor is a character that…

Right on target. After 1 and 2nd season I didn't watch it

I once saw the British SHAMELESS, but I hope Netflix has all the seasons. It's an amazing show.
Acting is amazing. Enjoy. Check out GOOD BEHAVIOUR on TNT great show