Knight Marquise

You were 12. How old is the author of this article? He needs to GTFU.

It took some time, but I knew the full triggering would happen.

“You are hilariously stupid and hypocritical. Dont be offended by my words. I think your an asshole. Im not being PC, just truthful.”

Isn’t it enlightening to see the PC police/SJW become the nastiest piece of human filth bent on shutting down all opposing viewpoints, if it doesn’t alight with theirs?

When I see the same mock outrage at entire countries & cultures that outright deny the holocaust, or make statements monthly about “wiping all the Jewish people off the face of the earth”...   I’ll take your comment a little more seriously. Until then, it’s the PC police and SJWs getting their panties in a wad.

Actually, it is political correctness; and/or sjws run amok; it’s also virtual signaling from the media because they find themselves becoming increasingly irrelevant.

no, they aren’t the only ones that play video games, but they do tend to swirl the drain around Kotacu and Polygon.

lol! You just triggered a bunch of snowflake SJW’s. Well done.

Actually, we have, for the last 8 years.

They were not "under contract" with MS. They were MS. MS had purchased Bungie.

Bingo. You just nailed it.