Screw all that hassle for a shoddy piece of plastic. I’ll just make my own that’s most likely going to be a lot more comfortable and cool looking. Am I the only one who thinks it looks really bad?
Screw all that hassle for a shoddy piece of plastic. I’ll just make my own that’s most likely going to be a lot more comfortable and cool looking. Am I the only one who thinks it looks really bad?
Xbox won handily.
Uh... everything is under control here, no, we’re not playing Battlefront sir. No sir, everything is ok sir.
I honestly liked having the CHOICE to not use them. the feeling of picking one up and then tossing it aside was magnificent. now it’s by design and the choice has been taken out of it. while I agree the gunless experience was incredible, it was enhanced because I COULD have used guns but chose not to..
Oh good, another year of Sony paying money to screw Xbox owners out of content they already paid for.
Can’t stop the nostalgia.
2:05 dat Wilhelm scream
Is it weird that I’m most excited for the town creation and management feature? Hm.
And I don’t even play anymore, haven’t touched it in like two months.
I just want to point something out: though I’m hesitant to tell people what they should or shouldn’t criticize, I think it’s... misguided to complain or worry about Fallout 4’s graphics right now. What’s more important is that this trailer looks real, which is more than we could say for all the bullshots and CGI…
They’ve explicitly said it’s not.
No, and you stop thinking about that right now!
“Turn right at the CVS®, where you can pick up a delicious Red Bull® to continue your drive”
Most of my friends are terrible at reading directions, so I have zero faith that Apple will get this right. Their track records with map applications doesn’t help their case.
Another example of why every multiplayer game should have some sort of theater mode. Not sure why they got rid of it in the latest CoDs....
All your ham is belong to us.
It's a good game. A short game, yes. A repetitive game, yes. Has Bungie made a lot of awful choices? Abso-fucking-lutely. But an addictive, good game nonetheless. This is coming from somebody who "quit" once thinking I could fill the void with other games. Took about 2 months to come back with open arms.