I’m trying this and I’m scared.
I’m trying this and I’m scared.
I’m trying this and I’m scared.
I’m trying this and I’m scared.
Yeah... I foolishly bought this camera for the free 7 day storage without verifying the claim first... I felt a bit swindled.
Yeah... I foolishly bought this camera for the free 7 day storage without verifying the claim first... I felt a bit…
I think some of the other comment threads established that a person’s skin color does not define their race.
Orisa is voiced by a black woman. Does that count?
FYI, /r/powerwashingporn is the main sub.
FYI, /r/powerwashingporn is the main sub.
Aye, I discovered this when trying to beat the first level on Ultra-Nightmare. The soldiers will frequently time there charge shot to hit you as soon as the glory kill ends. Insta-death...
My problem with the faction rally is I feel like whichever faction was chosen by the most players will win, not the faction with the most active players.
Sorry, didn’t mean to condescend. I read your comment as you didn’t realize that her face was actually changing in different shots.
It did mention that there are two different faces included.
I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took a cart to the knee.
I don’t know which came first, but there is a 2 pack of what appears to be the same Key Hook on amazon for the same price as 1 through Gear Grit.
I don’t know which came first, but there is a 2 pack of what appears to be the same Key Hook on amazon for the same…
Maybe because in GTA V many people already feel like they’ve done everything they can. So a new environment to master would be refreshing.
I played the Alpha and Beta. The general gist is there are various factions that you can grind out ever more difficult missions to build reputation. The higher the reputation, the more gold per mission. And then you could buy basic cosmetic upgrades or functional items (likely limited for the beta).
My favorite mass assassination was in Fallout 4 when you have to betray the Railroad.
Hey, you know the saying. You learn something new every two decades.
I wish that the Faction Rally winner would be determined by the average Number of tokens earned per player in each faction.
Is “Ship” now an abbreviation for relationship? What if you have a relationship with a ship (i.e. Han Solo, Peter Quill)?
Could you in theory open a loot box casino to circumvent gambling laws? Instead of giving money in hopes of getting more back, you buy a physical loot boxes.