
They’re modular! That makes a lot of sense. Once again, our standards-loving Empire seems to have established a modular cargo/crew container standard, and the walkers seem to accept these modules, which I bet really helps with logistics and material and personnel handling issues

We don’t know how long the station has been up and running before it received the finial touches to its primary weapon. It may have been around many months before that dish got inserted.

Things to try with the traffic:

I bought an off brand one at thought it was broken for a while. After a while, though, I realized that certain just don’t respond to certain buttons.

I bought an off brand one at thought it was broken for a while. After a while, though, I realized that certain just

They pronounced Gjallarhorn wrong at the end. It’s Pronounced “Baller-Horn”.

I thought it became an icon because of all of the dicks. Dick microorganisms. Dick creatures. Dick houses. Dick ships. Dicks, dicks, dicks, dicks....

I feel like the “You don’t remember anything before the bombs? That’s a sign” is a fourth wall break. They haven’t set up any other lore, that I can remember, that would imply your character doesn’t remember anything before the bombs.

Maybe you don’t die in survival mode, there is just an off trigger if you don’t play along, and the institute goes out and resets you.

Don't forget to clap in the elevator.

Definitely read that as XMen farts...

However, the vehicle would be humanless when it is en route to pick up the human. Also after it drops the human off.

Also, minus “Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel”. Although, I don’t think anyone will miss it. It is also an console game, so I can see why it wouldn’t be in a PC pack.

Also, minus “Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel”. Although, I don’t think anyone will miss it. It is also an console

Unless you want to swim upwards. I had to reload my save after jumping in the excavation site “pool” with my power armor on.

Yeah, I named all my gear with the letter Z so I don’t accidentally scrap/sell the wrong stuff.

Was my game broken? I explored the entirety of Salem and found nothing but invulnerable deactivated turrets with consoles requiring a password from some guy. There were no people in any of the buildings.

I hate myself for falling for his trickery.

If it is nearby the yellow rack, it’ll “jump” into place when you activate the rack.