I would have been more excited if they announced they replaced the writers and were re-writing the original lines. I don’t blame Dinklage’s voice as much as the script.
I would have been more excited if they announced they replaced the writers and were re-writing the original lines. I don’t blame Dinklage’s voice as much as the script.
I dunno, I would still consider a beta test with no errors a huge success. So a beta with a lot of errors is still a failure/screw up.
Ya... Archon Mode seems like it will increase the skill gap imo. Not only will casual players still suck at apm, but now they’ll suck at coordination.
I would want a manual control option for when I need to drive somewhere that the car doesn’t know how. Pulling into a going offroad, navigating around an apartment/shopping complex, driving with no real destination in mind.
Well, it was fun while it lasted... Now I’ll have to fight fallen walkers and ogres the hard way...
Ha, I was just making fun of the shortened name. I hope it doesn’t apply to any products.
Ha, I was just making fun of the shortened name. I hope it doesn’t apply to any products.
Don’t you mean “Logi” mice?
Don’t you mean “Logi” mice?
So could this thing keep track of separate groups? Or would it be one group in the whole maze at a time like those “escape the room” gigs. The latter would mean less supply and higher cost per “run”.
More like someone trapped in there with you trying to “tag” you out and make you lose the game. Would you like to try again? Only another $40.
I’m getting really tired of the Spiderman origins story. I really hope that they start this movie with him already being Spiderman and just getting straight to something new.
I wonder if games earned through the games with gold program can be transferred to the xbone (assuming they are available on the xbone).
I don’t care where it snaps to. I just want it to load faster my friends list faster than 20-30 seconds while trying to invite a friend to a party mid game. Shit, I would be excited if it consistently loaded faster than 4 seconds. Though I feel like it should be instantaneous.
There’s an app for that.
What... The... Fuck...
Key farming maybe?
Dibs on the Iron Throne!
Dibs on the Iron Throne!
The second run of the summoning pits was incredibly difficult as level 26. Me and a buddy ended up beating it by having one of us hide under the platform and the other suicide repeatedly. If you got one kill before death, it was progress.
I prefer my Fatebringer paired with my Ice Breaker, over my Thorn. The Thorn just seems to slow for head to head.
Literally in the next sentence.
In Morrowind you could permanently stack fortified stats by equipping and dropping gear in a certain manner. You could buff stats like jump to the point where you would go up, but never come back down... lol.